Wednesday, December 29, 2010

émuler Un Dongle Superpro

tart tiramisu cake filled

this is a sweet love to all my friends, so I decided to prepare a little 'to offer it at this time.
Stuffed mermellata apricot production and its many apple slices.
A real pleasure all covered with a good crust.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Canning Supplies San Antonio

2 pack mascarpone 250g each.
2 pack of cream of 200 ml.
70 g of icing sugar
6 egg yolks 6 tablespoons sugar 6
shells means eggshells of Marsala
3 sheets of gelatin 1 package of ladyfingers
for coffee sprinkle cookies
cocoa powder to decorate
cinnamon sticks 3 star anise

Preparing the zabaglione: Mettere in una bastardella i tuorli  lo zucchero semolato e il marsala. Girare il tutto e far cuocere a fuoco lento sempre sbattendo fino a quando non diventano gonfi e spumosi.

Mettere ammollo la colla di pesce nell'acqua fredda ad ammorbidire.
Versare nella planetaria la panna con lo zucchero a velo e montare.
Aggiungere il mascarpone e creare una crema omogenea.

Lasciate intiepidire lo zabaione e versate la colla di pesce strizzata. Fate in modo che si sciolga del tutto.
Incorporate lo zabaione alla crema e montate il tutto.

Prendete un vassaio adagiatevi un anello e intorno mettete delle strisce di acetato.

Make a layer of cream and put wet biscuits with coffee, repeat until exhaustion.
leveled to the sweet well and refrigerate for a few 'hours.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Kind Of Weave Would Your Recommend?

Roll in the barrel as

I reloaded the Rolleiflex .. zero shots .. I then loaded the pinhole and I shot a whole roll of film during a practice session housewives .. I can just reminded me how it was developed a Delta 3200 I start to work.

Meanwhile, this summer is a shot with the Diana soaking in the water ..

Ilford HP5 400 @ 400 Rodinal 1 +100 stand 1 hour semi
Photography negative light table

Monday, September 27, 2010

How To Emulate A Dongle


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spyder Racing Ski Pants

Tagliatelle with wild mushrooms


Mushrooms Noodles

extra virgin olive oil

clove garlic Salt to taste Parsley

black splash of white wine

Warm a frying pan with oil and a clove of crushed garlic.

Brown the garlic lightly browned, remove the garlic and put the sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms.

Sauté the mushrooms a dash of white wine if you want to cook a few minutes and x skip the noodles cooked simultaneously.

Add the chopped parsley and a handful of fresh pepper.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Get A Vhf Land License

Brioche roll

Ingredients: 500 g

manitoba flour half and half 00
80 g sugar
7 g of freeze-dried yeast 80 g butter

250 ml warm milk 1 pinch of salt 1 lemon Grated

1 egg 1 egg plus 3 tablespoons milk x x brush
granulated sugar to decorate.

Put all the ingredients in the global work all x 5 '.
Ask a size of about 80 grams.
Let rise.
Spread the dough with a rolling pin, place the chocolate chips and roll the dough closed.
Brush with milk and egg, garnish with the granulated sugar and let the pastry is baking. Bake
x approximately 20 'to 180 ° C.

recipe copied from the Blog of Maria Francesca

Friday, August 27, 2010

What's The Difference Between Anon Goggles

Potato Croquettes Calabrese

Ingredients: Potatoes boiled and mashed

a handful of grated cheese, preferably goat
a piece of sausages, cut into small pieces

chopped parsley black pepper to taste

salt 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites

breadcrumbs oil for frying

Assemble all the ingredients. Make the croquettes in egg and coat well enervated and pass in the breadcrumbs. Fry in olio caldo.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sample Letter From Landlord Proof Of Residence

The loaf cake to Belvederesi

Questa è la classica forma del pane che facevano a Belvedere quando noi eravamo piccole.
Adesso forse hanno cambiato, ma a noi, è rimasta in mente; che abbiamo voluto dedicarci uno dei nostri pani.

Preparazione e ingredienti:

Mettere nella planetaria 500 ml di acqua tiepida, dove sciogliere te un panetto di lievito di circa 20 g
1 cucchiaino di malto d'orzo e 950 g di farina 0 e 2 cucchiaini di sale impastate bene il tutto e lasciate riposare per 5' l'impasto nella planetaria, e poi riprendete la lavorazione ancora un po'.
Formate la pezzatura e adagiatelo su una teglia con carta bakery.
Let the time needed for the yeast dough almost doubles and then cook in oven at 220 ° cx about 45 '.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get Rid Of Staph Infection Scar


flour 200 g butter 200 g sugar 150

3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

4 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons orange liqueur 2
tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Let the butter soften at room temperature.
Knead with the sugar until you get a nice cream.
Add one egg at a time.
join the vanilla to the flour and baking powder. Add
powder mixture prepared above, 4 tablespoons of milk and two orange liqueur mix well.
Butter a cake tin and pour the mixture into the mold a bit tenedone to account ', where you will add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
Bake in oven at 180 ° C x 40 '

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How To Comfort Someone With A Stomachache

sandwiches Ciabatta Italian sausage

These are cute sandwiches, you could prepare a birthday party x xi children.

Their preparation is simple and fast.

In a bowl I put about 300 ml of warm water with 20 g of yeast crumbled.
I let it melt and I added a pinch of sugar and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, I mixed the whole thing and I started to incorporate the flour. I added two teaspoons of salt and I mixed well.
The dough should be soft and smooth.
Spread the dough with a rolling pin, cut in wide strips with a wheel as a frankfurter.
Roll the dough around.
Place in a roasting pan and let lievitino.
Go with a brush of milk with an egg yolk a pinch of salt and bake for about 20 'to 200 ° C

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ethernet Stereo Receiver


Here is the recipe of our donuts:

750g flour, 400ml of warm water, 20g of yeast, 1 ucchiaio sugar 100g butter, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 pinch of vanilla, 1 / 2 vial of flavor with lemon, 2 tablespoons of mashed potato powder knorr.

Mix all in a planetary until the dough is soft and smooth.
Roll out on a wooden board the dough, just over 1 / 2 inches high. Cut into disks and then make a hole in the center. Let rise, then fry them and put them in granulated sugar while still hot.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Encapsulatedon The Outside Of Kidney Cancer

I decided to bake and make a good power strip if you want to find the recipe in the blog I posted previously. Good Sunday to all!

Broken Capillaries Stomach Pregnancy



Pelate e snocciolate le albicocche.
Tagliatele a pezzi, versatele nel recipiente di cottura e cominciate a schiacciarle fino a quando cuocendo si sarnno ridotte in poltiglia; fatele cuocere per circa un'ora.
A questo punto versatevi lo zucchero (in propozione di 750-800 g per chilo di frutta)
e continuate la cottura fino a quando facendo scivolare la goccia sul piattino, si consoliderà rapidamente.
Togliete dal fuoco, lasciate intiepidire e poi versate nei barattoli che chiuderete non appena la marmellata sarà fredda.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Router Settings To Improve Netflix

Scialatielli Apricot jam rolls and fruit cakes

Ingredients: 6

beef steaks 3 cloves garlic 1 bunch of parsley

a handful of grated pecorino cheese 1 minced

plenty of black pepper 1 pinch of oregano salt

x toothpicks close the rolls

extra virgin olive oil 1 bottle of tomato sauce 1 envelope

scialatielli 500 g

Finely chop parsley and garlic.
Add the oregano, pepper, salt, cheese.
Mix well and place one handful each x steak, adjust the steaks with salt and close the rolls with toothpicks.

Place the oil in a pan and heat and adds a bit 'of sausage that you put in the rolls.
Place rolls in pan and let brown well.
Add another pinch of oregano and pepper and tomato. Season with salt

Cook rolls over low heat.

Put the pot with water and add salt and add freshly boiled pasta.
Drain and dress with the sauce and if you want to add a splverata percorino of Puglia.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sayings For 2nd Birthday Invitations

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cause Of False Positive Cocaine

quail thighs braised

Ingredients: 3 packages of

quail thighs 1 onion 1 carrot

rosemary, sage and thyme salt

red wine 1 / 2 cup extra virgin olive oil


Put oil in a saucepan with the onion, carrot and all its flavors.
Brown and just add the thighs are browned on all sides splash of wine in the flesh. Let the wine is consumed with salt and slowly cook the quail.