Sunday, January 25, 2009

Can I Take My Dogs From Thailand To U.k.



. Polaroid 320, 669, emulsion lift

Charter Oak Health Plan 2010

Ultimi lavori di grafica

C ontinua il mio percorso nel mondo della grafica digitale, ecco gli ultimi jobs.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How To Get A Hollywood Wax

The Impossible Project

Wandering here and there in the maze of flickr I stumbled upon a thesis of Michael Camels entitled "Art in the snapshot . By reading it I also finally found a place in the immense variety forms of production of images .. ie, as defined by Nino Migliori " ... a romantic form, is absolutely useless, or artistic or cultural production, but only niche antiquarian. " Let me be clear is not the most interesting part of the thesis, which the Board reading, but, apart from the (veiled?) tone of contempt and futility (they are particularly good at useless things .. but not quite useless to me) that is assigned, I find it fully. " Young Americans, for example, are using the old techniques to make pictures that are similar to those made at the beginning of photography, but is neither artistic nor renewal linguistico, è solo una forma di nicchia artigianale per dire “quanto sono bravo, sono capace di farlo anch’io”. .." E magari fossi veramente capace di farlo anch'io. Imparare certe tecniche e affinarle sarebbe comunque una forma di scoperta personale.. almeno per quanto mi riguarda. Il fatto che siano cose già fatte e non innovative per la produzione artistica contemporanea sinceramente poco mi riguarda. L'espressione deve per forza essere legata all'innovazione? Argomentazioni abbastanza sterili le mie.. almeno quanto pigiare un tasto per applicare un filtro di photoshop al fine di migliorare l'espressione di un concetto.

A proposito di innovazione e produzioni di nicchia antiquariale segnalo una buona nuova per quanto riguarda la fotografia istantanea:

The Impossible Project

We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010. We have acquired Polaroid's old equipment, factory and seek your support.

Molte persone erano da parecchio in attesa di queste semplici parole. L'obiettivo non è quello di riproporre le vecchie pellicole polaroid ma di inventarne di nuove entro la fine del 2009 ottimizzando la produzione e sostituendo alcuni componenti ormai spariti insieme alle vecchie produzioni o che comunque renderebbero i costi sproporzionati rispetto al possibile mercato. Una stima del bacino di utenza calcola circa un miliardo di fotocamere around the globe .. working and hungry for films. Also note the presence at the site of the Ilford brand that would seem to provide some negative film negative / positive.

This seems to me a good excuse for more than likely my next purchase. At least I'll feel a little less guilty. The ultimate goal of this post was clearly that.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cervical Discharge Prior To Menstruation

Before Polaroid

As you know, must be generous with yourself at home I am made a gift (as usual). A Polaroid 320 readily modified following this tutorial useful to accept normal AAA batteries. Bought used on ebay I must say I was lucky enough as they usually are sold without knowing if they work. Naturally I had already procured 669 color film purchased by who apparently are suitable for handling as the emulsion lift or transfer that image to other media (things that I hope to try soon).

It 's the first polaroid of my life (maybe turned a Polaroid camera at home when I was little but I remember that I never put my hands on) and I must say the excitement was Exactly the same as the first press room obscure. As often happens in these cases, the first photo is a test and what test is required in taking them from his window (or not?). But since then, which is also the first in assoluto io già le voglio un pò bene anche se è solo un test (o femminile testa).

1st pola Polaroid 320, polaroid 669 film, sviluppo 65"

Gia che ci sono faccio anche una domanda ai più esperti: le 125i pur essendo in pacchi da 11 (è qui il mio dubbio) van bene per la mia 320? A quanto dice polapremium si visto che le mette nelle pellicole type100 ma vorrei una conferma.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Best Vagaina In The World

Propositi per il 2009

directly from the forum of teachers. .. my surgery done in the "coffee" ...

"You have a brand new resolutions for 2009? Or you have not thought at all to change your lifestyle? In both cases, the poetry that you can carry essre help. unsure.gif
And it renewed my wish to make right choices and fructose in this new year.
Cin-cin with you all.


If I could live my life again

in the next I would try to make more mistakes

not try to be so perfect, I would deny


I would be less serious than I was, in fact

would take few things seriously.

I would be less hygienic,

run more risks,

take more vacations,

contemplate more sunsets,

climb more mountains, swim more


go to places I've never been,

eat more ice cream and fewer beans, I

more real problems and less imaginary.

I was one of those people who lived sensibly

and each minute of his life;

course I had moments of joy

but if I could go back I would try to have only good times.

If you do not know, what life is made,

just moments, you will not lose today.

I was one of those that never went anywhere without a thermometer,

a hot water bottle, umbrella and a parachute;

if I could live again begin to walk barefoot at the beginning of Spring

and continue until late autumn.

I would take more turns in the wheelchair

contemplate more dawns, and play with more children,

if I had another life ahead of me.

But look, I am 85 and I know that I'm dying.

Jorge Luis Borges

Hodgkin's Relapse Symptoms

E' arrivato il nuovo anno...

... and here are my most sincere wishes that I express in my own way, with a graphic image.
I dedicate it to all travelers who pass through here.
With a prayer: if you can write comments in Italian, unfortunately do not speak English and I can only understand the general sense of your input, however, that I like very much.
Happy New Year, a lot of joy, serenity and health.

Deleting Demo From Mac


Il mio paese con la neve.. roba che non capita mica tutti gli anni.




010109 Rolleiflex 3,5F, hp5, D23
Fotografie di negativi su tavola luminosa.

..a proposito, è successo la mattina del primo giorno dell'anno. E il tutto non è arrivato al secondo.