Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Best Vagaina In The World

Propositi per il 2009

directly from the forum of teachers. .. my surgery done in the "coffee" ...

"You have a brand new resolutions for 2009? Or you have not thought at all to change your lifestyle? In both cases, the poetry that you can carry essre help. unsure.gif
And it renewed my wish to make right choices and fructose in this new year.
Cin-cin with you all.


If I could live my life again

in the next I would try to make more mistakes

not try to be so perfect, I would deny


I would be less serious than I was, in fact

would take few things seriously.

I would be less hygienic,

run more risks,

take more vacations,

contemplate more sunsets,

climb more mountains, swim more


go to places I've never been,

eat more ice cream and fewer beans, I

more real problems and less imaginary.

I was one of those people who lived sensibly

and each minute of his life;

course I had moments of joy

but if I could go back I would try to have only good times.

If you do not know, what life is made,

just moments, you will not lose today.

I was one of those that never went anywhere without a thermometer,

a hot water bottle, umbrella and a parachute;

if I could live again begin to walk barefoot at the beginning of Spring

and continue until late autumn.

I would take more turns in the wheelchair

contemplate more dawns, and play with more children,

if I had another life ahead of me.

But look, I am 85 and I know that I'm dying.

Jorge Luis Borges


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