Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Milky Cm 6 Days Before Period

Natale 2008


My Christmas wishes with this image that the slow falling flakes communicates serenity, calm and peace. I hope that among the packages of gifts under the tree, find the magic that will inspire you to live every moment of the day with heartfelt joy and serenity, even in the most difficult and hard. Hugs to all who pass through here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Prepare A Wedding Card

Un campione

You may wonder why I call Paris junior, the youngest grandchild, a sample ... It 's a unique sample because, for two and a half years and speaks and fights like an older child. Why has the bench rear and play with a drill and hammer. Because it eats everything: tomatoes, beans, vegetables ... because I love Big, my dog, the dog more loving and clumsy in the world, "your Bigghino" as he calls it, and a thousand other reasons that I will not return because I will surely judge part. Here it is, I present to you ...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Chest Infection Orange Juice


Eheh.. mio nonno. Non mi sta scancherando dietro bensì sta mangiando una mela, quella rossa.

giulì Rolleiflex 3,5F, delta 3200@6400 Microphen 1+0 12' 20°
Fotografia di negativo su tavola luminosa

Tips On Building Balsa Wood Bridges

Una ballerina in famiglia

know ... yes, I knew that family would be checked in a star. I know I exaggerate, but he was a little Lorenza, my niece, showed a great passion for music and dancing. So, four years, we decided to make them attend school. Well ... it is better to clarify ... more that we decided she ...

The first pictures

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Computer Multi Disk Dvd

Passeggiata di fine autunno

Yesterday I went walking, after nearly a week of waiting, due to continuous rains and a bad cold. I looked around eagerly, trying to perceive all the nuances of the leaves and sky. Sniffing with pleasure the smell of wet earth and leaves that melted into the ground, soaked grass at the edge of ditches. And I breathed in deeply as I had never happen. Today I brought the camera, with 's intention to steal a piece of the "scene" to keep it in my memory.

A poem dear to me.

Sera 's Fall

Play ....

With a rustle dry and mild,

similar to the tramp of passing ghosts,

the withered leaves fall off the trees from frost

and fall.

(A. Crapsey)

Does Cipralex Make You Sleepy 2009

Grafica 2008

still excites and relax by creating digital images with Paint Shop Pro
soon as I can follow the tutorial of Blue Angel, site where I met so many people willing to give assistance and explanations. Here are a few odd jobs included in the original slide.
Admit that I've made progress.

Baby Shower Wicker Chair In Va

Passione grafica