Friday, March 19, 2010

Are Lip Warts Contagious

dall'Aquila Joy, Hellen, to all women in struggle

L'Aquila, Friday, March 19

Aquila yesterday are back in the military forces to liberate the city from the rubble, they say. To free the city from wheelbarrows, we say and dissent. Everything must be perfect and seemingly efficient for elections, including the demagoguery of a clerical-fascist state and medieval, which is preparing to again be blessed and empowered by the electoral game clerical hypocrisy.

All'Aquila something today attempted to break this hypocrisy, this game is rigged.

backdrop for a marquee that read "Take back the city" against the purple of the prelates, the higher ranks of the military, the nerve to the Mayor, President of the Region and various authorities gathered to celebrate their success inaugurating the church on the ruins of the holy souls (only partially restored with the money the U.S.), is a clearly visible sign was placed at the top, the lamp closer to the runway of politicians and the curia. He said: "512milioni euro for the G8, 2,700 € / m² for homes, for those excluded from anything HOMES homes, just rubble."

on the pedestal of that lamp post I got another sign for Joy, Hellen, all women who struggle against the decay and violence of this barbaric capitalist system. On that sign was there written, despite the "jerk": "The police RAPES IN OUR MILITARY IN ICE + SOMALIA + We Own Ridens SALES TO STATE OFFICERS AND GENTLEMEN OF HIS HOLINESS '= STATE VATICAN AND pimps and RAPIST. = mfpr solidarity with Joy, Hellen and all women in struggle "

The Digos showed me the plates: the males almost made me colposcopy, flaunting the fact that they were just all about me, I dropped my eyes off. The digoxin instead climbed on the pedestal in front of me, trying to hide the signs and when a prelate has noticed them, one of them tried to push me away culate but did not have it done. His colleague, having ripped the sign attached to streetlight began to tear from his hands and one for Joy Hellen. I started to cry, I yelled to all present to look at what is good their democracy and digoxin had to remain good. An elderly man and his companion, who had previously enjoyed the cartel, have helped me in again.

I was in garrison for two hours

and I felt the warmth of those who had never seen before, who had never seen either at a meeting and the fire brigade, that of women and men are not accustomed to the square. Yet these men and women have helped me. In silence, I felt protected by them and / thank you for this precious solidarity


People With Arthritic Knee

From Taranto


The two-day "luggage for a trip of women in combat" organized in Taranto on March 13/14 by the Company of Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Movement, was held in a beautiful climate, made hot fighting spirit, the pleasure of being, socialize, get to know the fellow, unemployed, workers who until the day before had been involved in fights, and, for some companies, in 8 events in March, also at the conference came the news and greetings to workers, poor fighting the same day of 13, as Palermo, where the day before there had been charges of police and where her friends who attended the two days have brought a banner in the precarious gifts to the unemployed of Taranto. the first day you are socialized the struggles of recent months, from north to south , which combine specific attacks work and our lives to attack the general condition of our women. For this reason proletarian in the assembly have raised the challenge to: PREPARE THE NEXT MONTH STRIKE all the women who weaves the battle for the work to the fight against the double oppression. Not surprisingly, the banner that the unemployed Taranto had put in their room and took over an old but very good slogan of the feminist movement: "awful, awful, the witches are back! E 'was therefore decided to link up with the reality à of the most significant struggle of women, with direct meetings for the working together, for the strike. In the assembly was also spoke about the struggles of other women. In particular, it was told the battle of women in L'Aquila from the beginning of the earthquake in recent days against the jackals ridens, was sued because the new town of Berlusconi in particular for women mean isolation, "soundproofing" Scientific suffocation of the need for socialization. In the assembly workers, the unemployed have said we're going L'Aquila to meet these women to give and receive strength. E 'was taken in the assembly of the revolt immigrant and the ongoing battle for Joy and rapes against the police, and has made a commitment to support the ongoing struggles for freedom from the fields concentration of CIE and residence permits to migrant sisters, but also to support the initiative by other companies because of the companions of the Milan police inspector who tried to rape processat o Joy is sentenced. On all this, in the assembly posts were made to work, unemployment, women of L'Aquila, the immigrant. Above from various interventions has been strongly denounced the leap down, practical, political, ideological, cultural, that is maintained on the whole status of women: the holy family, the expansion of machismo, messages subliminal and brands in the world mass media, led by the use of foul corp the female by Berlusconi to the Bishops, etc.. - And that this condition is a litmus test of the modern Middle Ages in which you want to bring the whole society. But women, especially proletarian struggle every day, they do not complain: it was written as in other banners in the hall: "We decided to raise its head", "life must change." why the conclusion of the first day of the meeting was the vision of a beautiful and exciting video that shows, with images, music, the path already in place in the general feminist struggle, proletarian, revolutionary women in our country as internationally. A path that joins the rebellion of the majority of women, regardless of class because the women in this society are not all equal, the revolutionary struggle to break the double chains, the recovery of historic milestones più importanti della doppia lotta per le donne per una società socialista in cui le donne abbiano un ruolo di direzione perchè la rivoluzione vada a fondo non si fermi a metà strada, una rivoluzione nella rivoluzione che trasformi il cielo e la terra fino al comunismo. Al video è seguito un allegro buffet, in cui ogni disoccupata ha portato qualcosa da mangiare e bere. IL VIDEO SARA' AL PIU' PRESTO MESSO A DISPOSIZIONE DI TUTTE LE DONNE CHE CE LO CHIEDONO. E' questa determinazione, questo entusiasmo, che le compagne, le lavoratrici, le disoccupate, precarie porteranno alla Conferenza Mondiale in Venezuela del 2011 - per cui già nell'assemblea si è cominciato a vedere il modo practical to go, and also do a campaign to raise funds. the second day this route has seen a revolutionary proletarian feminist study, even in theory, through the work on materials, tests, to develop with new elaborations in close relationship with practice, new thinking and new practices of the women's movement, that the companions of the MFPR started, in 1995, compared with the most advanced processing at international level. E 'produced an initial document (in progress), "NOTES FOR A NEW FEMINIST THOUGHT AND PRACTICE proletarian revolutionary." We came back then the appointment of Venezuela, to explore the themes in terms proactive but also critical - because for us this appointment to be constructed by combining theory and practice, documents and meetings to the continued practice of women's struggle, distinguishing what is the revolutionary act of the women's movement, the talk of revolution / socialism but engaging in empty words and the full social democracy. THE SECOND DAY ON THIS TRAIL HAS 'CONCLUDED WITH A NEW, LONGER, APPOINTMENT FOR THIS SUMMER. We are preparing a dossier with assistance and material more significant of the two days that we will provide. To request: e mail - 3475301704 (Margaret) 3408429376 (Kathy). Chiaramente sia messaggi che dossier che foto li metteremo appena pronti sul blog: http.// Compagne, in particolare da Roma, da Bologna, da Milano e alcune realtà di lavoratrici in lotta, pur non potendo venire hanno mandato saluti e messaggi, noi le ringraziamo molto e i loro saluti sono stati letti e accolti con calore dall'assemblea.


Taranto, 13/14 marzo 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Drawing Pad For Myspace

displaced women Aquila Aquila occupies the seat of the Civil Protection Giulianova

da Il centro , di Sandro Petrongolo

Commuter months, do not take it anymore Professor Aquila occupies the seat of the Civil Protection Giulianova

GIULIANOVA. Civil Protection for the symbolic occupation express their discomfort that lasts for eleven months now: it is the desperate act of SEG, 54, evacuee, a university professor of Aquila, who three days ago he decided to settle the headquarters of the Civil Protection Giulianova to claim an accommodation, expected by December, allowing it to continue to work without tiring trip without changing buses six daily commute and live without the whole day. The woman, who teaches in the Faculty of Arts of the city devastatata by the earthquake, do not take it anymore. Calls for a stable system after almost 12 months since the earthquake of 6 April 2009: his home, located in the "red zone", is classified as "E", and then totally inagile.
Every day, the teacher in order to reach the displaced position must have to change up to six buses.
every day to reach Bazzano, home to the right, and his salary, SEG lives its little exhausting ordeal made frugal lunches, sandwiches, cappuccinos and expectations bus stop. a situation worsened by uncertainty and lack of prospects, after months of pilgrimage not only along the coast of Abruzzo: The language teacher, following the earthquake, was held for four months in a hotel in Vasto. Then he found a stand-alone system in Penne, finally, in October, in a hotel Tortoreto. And there it remained. In addition, the daily effort to go to work: to be present at 14 universities, the woman, without a driver's license, must take the bus to Giulianova, hence one that will lead to Teramo, then another eagle to reach the A near the luminous fountain, then take it to a bus terminal, and from there another way to get there, finally, in Bazzano. The Odyssey itself is repeated in the evening to return home at 21.30, where the teacher moves away at 10.30am. The hours the displaced takes issue with the Civil Defence. In December she had been promised that by January 1 would be back in L'Aquila, but the deadline has slipped the first time in early February. And then he slipped again because she is single, and therefore not covered in the project homes. So she was offered a place at a hotel in San Demetrio or in a hotel 45 minutes away (that goes for her walk) from the bus terminal. The teacher does not feel displaced, however, more efforts to tackle other, so he decides to occupy the seat of the civil protection Giulianova. And her story becomes a symbol for so many displaced people.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Is In Dora's Backpack

Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- Man of Opus Dei


Rita Pennarola

Behind facts, misdeeds and leaders of big business emergency , by Madeleine L'Aquila, via the World Swimming Championships and the waste of Naples, peep behind the scenes that inevitably bring into the austere rooms of Opus Dei. A cominciare proprio dallo stesso sottosegretario, fino ai Gentiluomini di Sua Santita' Gianni Letta ed Angelo Balducci. In esclusiva, ecco tutti i nomi.

Bertolaso, la mano de Dios. Parafrasando il celebre film su Maradona, raccontiamo qui le potenti protezioni di un uomo che davvero - e non per meriti sportivi - si muove da sempre a un passo da Dio. Anzi, a un passo dall'Opus Dei, stella polare della folgorante carriera di Guido Bertolaso, quell'altisonante dietro le quinte finora trapelato solo di striscio ma che adesso, alla luce dell'inchiesta giudiziaria di Firenze, la Voce porta sotto i riflettori in tutta la sua manifesta influenza. Si', perche' la maggior parte dei protagonisti del gigantesco, illecito meccanismo described by the investigating magistrate Rosario fiorentino Wolf 126 pages in the order for custody, invariably bring us back over the Tiber and, in particular, in the austere palaces of Parioli which houses the most 'sectarian factions of the Catholic nuns: the Opus Dei Prelature .
will now review, one by one, the characters in the scent of Opus involved in the investigation of Florence and some of their "patron saints" who are representatives of government of the country.

BERTOLASO - Let's start from him, the super-secretary and leader of the Civil Protection Department. A decision maker pushed the man into whose hands the command of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had given the sum of powers works billions of € designed to transform the face of the country. And without any supervision.
Capable, sailed long enough missions abroad more than a decade, Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsince the beginning of his career but could 'count on a credential all about: the close connection with the breastplate of faith founded by St. Josemaria Escriva' de Balaguer that knows how to open every door and, above all, guarantees the absolute "reliability '" of his men than in pre-established lines. Almost always somewhere else. The approach of the young Guido
all'Ovra - contrary to legend - do not start with the "call" on the side of Giulio Andreotti in the '80s, but rather 'long before. Just consider the family background of the brilliant and ambitious doctor, who are still deeply rooted in that area of \u200b\u200bthe Veneto white straddling the provinces of Verona and Vicenza. And e 'in Verona, precisely Cazzano of Tramigna, 1400 anime little more', which in the postwar Bertolaso \u200b\u200bare already 'a prominent family. Once in the century in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mills to establish a factory, the grandparents of the Secretary raise four sons: the eldest son, George (father of the Secretary) who will become 'Air Force General, Francis, who will be' mayor of the small common in the sixties, and then Luciano and Stanislaus, both in country remembered for his brilliant achievements in cycling. While the branch that is headed by George (who died last ninety years), it was soon moved to Rome, Veneto remained in the other, an important nucleus of the Dynasty: the one that gave birth to two current members of Opus Dei, both upgraded to official positions of all relief.
The first and 'Marta Bertolaso, young and already' known biologist, currently a researcher at the Biomedical Campus of Rome (universita'-giant Opus in Italy), as well as' at the Fondazione Rui (rib from other sales in the billions), and especially , mentioned since '99 board member of the Italian Delegation by decree of the Prelate of Opus Dei. In 2002, it is up to Bertolaso \u200b\u200bEmmanuel, who moved to Vienna, which is convened in October office of member of the Regional Council for Austria. The same
Bertolaso, moreover, has never failed to make, albeit discretely and without much publicity ', his secret police presence at his side. On 25 July last year, will officially open the proceedings of the Summer School organized by the Fondazione Rui in L'Aquila, attended by among others Sartea and Claudio Andre's Juan Mercado of the Pontificia Universita 'della Santa Croce and the banker Ettore Gotti Tedeschi. In November we find him as a guest star, always at the Fondazione Rui, to explain to the students of the exclusive residence in Rome (with branches between e'lites students from around the world) "the secret of his professional commitment within the Civil Protection. "

BERLUSCONI - Now that the relationship between the Secretary and Opus takes less clearly 'defined, we pass to the other "very religious" great directors of the agreements on finite maxi-emergency works to the attention of three prosecutors (in addition to Florence, investigate it even Rome and Perugia).
To begin with, of course, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The colleges to which of his acquaintances Opus since the "tender" age 'has never made any secret. It was the residence Torrescalla, Milan headquarters of the Fondazione Rui, who was born on the association of iron with Marcello Dell'Utri and another supreme summit of Opus, that reverend father Mariano Fazio in 2002 and 'rector Magnificent of the Pontifical Universita 'della Santa Croce. No less well-known and 'then the link between Berlusconi and Don Luigi Savoy', the father of another master's in health battleship odor of sanctity 'capable of producing every year a billion euro, the network of private nursing homes San Raffaele. Although separated from the administrative point of view from the turnover opusdeista, clinics and the adjoining San Raffaele University 'will apply a constant collaboration with leading symbols of the apparatus of Saint Josemaria, as shown, to give just one example The regular presence at the San Raffaele as a numerary professor (and member of PD, now UDC) Paola Binetti, a professor at the Biomedical Campus.

bed - and not 'no accident that the morning of 11 March 2008. the inauguration of the new home of the University 'Campus Biomedical Trigoria, near Rome, had gathered together Javier Echevarría, the Prelate of Opus Dei, the Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, the then President of the Region, the "pious" Piero Marrazzo, and Gianni Letta, the latter came to the ceremony not only for its institutional offices in the executive Berlusconi. Read it sits in the advisory board of the Campus, along with Opus official spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, and Mr. Pellegrino Capaldo Banca di Roma. And 'he read, if that calls for' Bertolaso \u200b\u200bafter the formation of policy on the ground that the young doctor had matured the school of Giulio Andreotti (more devout - and overt - militant Opus Dei).
Ne 'is frequently dealt with trivial. Just consider that read - among the first to defend a sword Bertolaso \u200b\u200bafter the whirlwind of legal meta 'in February - and' now the exclusive club of Gentleman of His Holiness', an offshoot of the small secular papal entourage at the Vatican. His investiture was commissioned in 2007 by Benedict XVI himself with, among others, to that of Leopoldo Torlonia, president of the even more 'aristocratic Circolo San Pietro. Chaplain of the Club (ie the highest authority 'provided religious organization chart) and' then the 'Bishop Franco Camaldo and "man always very close to Joseph Ratzinger. The name of Bishop
Camaldo was bounced to the investigation conducted by prosecutor John Woodcock of power on international trafficking in Masonic matrix which involved, among others, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. The story - that somehow, as we shall see, brings us back to Florence in the investigation on the G8 - and 'was mentioned in the book "The Jenkins case," Aliberti Editore, written by Gioacchino Genchi Montolli with Edward. The reference 'to the disciplinary proceedings, which ended with a measure of censorship, conducted by CSM against Vincenzo Barbieri, the current chief prosecutor of Avezzano, in the years when he was general manager of Arenula with Keeper Clemente Mastella. "Barbieri - Jenkins writes - and 'was brought up by Woodcock in a bad history of Freemasonry, yet another on suspicion of aiding and abetting against a prelate in the Vatican on which power is investigated: monsingor Camaldo Francis."
Both the position as that of Bishop Barbieri Camaldo were then filed by the investigating judge of power. But where are the intercepts along with Barbieri confided to a friend: 'Achille Toro, the deputy prosecutor of Rome suspect in the investigation that has engulfed this Bertolaso \u200b\u200band resigned in recent weeks by the magistracy.

BALDUCCI - The proximity to the upper echelons of the Vatican Angelo Balducci, president of the Higher Council of lavori pubblici arrestato nell'ambito dell'inchiesta di Firenze, e' fuori discussione. Non altrettanto nota, forse, e' la rete di protezioni di cui ha potuto godere nelle altolocate gerarchie dell'Opus Dei. Se infatti, all'indomani della bufera giudiziaria, venne subito alla luce la presenza di Angelo Balducci - al pari di Gianni Letta - fra i Gentiluomini di Sua Santita', piu' in sordina arrivano invece le notizie sulla lunga collaborazione, avviata fin dai maxi appalti per il Giubileo del 2000, fra l'ingegner Balducci, Guido Bertolaso e l'allora presidente del comitato organizzatore dell'Anno santo, il cardinale Crescenzio Sepe. Prefetto della “Propaganda Fide”, di cui Balducci diventa “consultore”, Sepe e' fra the cardinals' close to the Prelature. So much so that his prayers and meditations are regularly reported in sites inspired by the work of St. Josemaria.

MASI - Capri is not 'only the name of Rai fiction for more Desperate Housewives' popular at the time, but also the location preferred by the men of "great works clique" X-rayed by the public prosecutor of Florence. In September 2008, "for the transfer of Angelo Balducci from Rome to Palermo with stops in Capri" is hired "a seaplane
for two people at a cost of 3,800 € more 'taxes." A charge of course he thought Diego Anemone, the thirty-nine Roman builder who had monopolized the most 'large share of contracts for the "great events". Obvious why 'when in June 2009 Professor Mauro Masi, director general of state television, telephones with Anemone to solicit the employment by the Salaria Sport Village of young Anacapri Anthony Smit, already' agreed with Balducci, Diego Anemone shots at attention . A few weeks later the boy, Masi brother's girlfriend Susanna Smit, will be 'taken with a pair of anticipated salary and an apartment for rent throughout the capital itself'.
But behind the involvement of Masi (but that 'not investigated) in the investigation of Florence could not check the hand of Mother Opus. And 'in fact, a surprise appointment in November 2009, commissioned by DG Masi, thirty-two of the rampant Sanremo Mark Simeon Summit institutional and international relations office of the RAI. Masi challenging job that requires you to vote against the president Paul Garimberti and half board. The child prodigy
Simeon comes from that fertile humus of Liguria that feeds on the assiduous care of Claudio Scajola and Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. The young man displays and denies being part of the cash or supernumerary of Opus Dei (lists, however, still covered by strict secrecy), but there are many circumstances that lead back to bullying his name to the rooms of the Prelature. One above all: since 2006 Mark Simeon, even thirty years old, already was sitting 'at the top of the Foundation Carige (Cassa di Risparmio di Genova and Imperia), and not alone. Perche' appena un gradino piu' sopra c'era anche Vincenzo Lorenzelli, docente di chimica nonche' magnifico rettore del Campus Biomedico dell'Opus Dei. Del resto, la Fondazione Rui da molti anni riceve regolarmente finanziamenti dalla Carige. E Lorenzelli a inizio 2010 spicca il volo - fra mille polemiche - anche in vetta al piu' importante presidio ospedaliero ligure, il Gaslini di Genova, del quale era stato nominato gia' nel 2005 commissario straordinario dal cardinale Tarcisio Bertone. Tutto in casa.
E che la longa manus dell'Ovra sia tutt'altro che estranea alle pedine da muovere sullo scacchiere della Rai non lo dimostra solo l'esempio Masi-Simeon. Se infatti a Viale Mazzini i seguaci del Santo possono contare su un direttore generale tanto religioso, Naples sleep even more 'quiet. By the time - and are now almost ten years - at the helm of the TGR Fuorigrotta sits Massimo Milone, another personality 'has always been very close to the local Curia, careful attention to the activities' of the IPE, the educational institution for young men and women of families well managed by the local branch of Opus Dei. Out of the question, finally, the role of Angela Buttiglione, director general of RAI Corporation as well as 'sister of the philosopher Rocco Buttiglione of the UDC and that Opus Dei' home. Always.

Motherboard Changing Agp

VOTE AWAY ... The Communist Workers


After nearly 11 months of waiting, illusioni, oscuramenti mediatici e strumentalizzazioni pre-elettorali, il 28 febbraio la coscienza dei cittadini aquilani si è risvegliata dal torpore. In migliaia si sono riversati nel centro storico per riconquistare il proprio diritto all’autodeterminazione, la dignità di un popolo ferito a morte non solo dal terremoto, ma dallo sciacallaggio che politici, affaristi, istituzioni e media hanno perpetrato di fatto ben prima del terremoto.
308 persone il 6 aprile hanno perso la vita mentre altri ridevano quella notte.
308 persone hanno perso la vita perché la sicurezza dei cittadini per la Commissione Grandi Rischi e per lo Stato sono “problemi di ordine pubblico”.
308 people have lost their lives in ill repute.
That dishonesty covered and promoted for decades by governments of left and right, who, knowing that the eagle was of high seismic risk has left her in a seismic zone 2 to encourage speculation.
E 'this economic system to commodify everything: life, health, safety and environment. Now who took money to build public works insecure, who has been silent so collapsed, promotions and offers awards and continues to take public money to rebuild. Profit, the business of reconstruction is always was the motive for the war of the bosses.
Investigations on the G8 and the reconstruction business in L'Aquila, only showed a small crack in this system, a political-economic-business and further away from the needs of citizens and which claims to govern ecosystem .
512 .. Italians have paid € 474,000.00 for the Summit craziest, mocking, unnecessary and costly recent history and while local administrators "wagged its tail" behind this summit , all political forces and trade union confederations are launching a campaign deterrent to popular mobilizations to not disturb the operator.
Now these politicians must assume their responsibility. The macabre theater, with eight powerful of the earth through the rubble of the Eagle has not revived the economy of the city, but only that of politicians and businessmen: luxury, waste, and on the stage of nerve pain.
€ 2,700 / m² have cost houses to provide accommodation to 1 / 5 of the citizens of Aquila; € 1,500 / m² only for seismic plates, while for the reconstruction of real houses even € 1,000 / m² are intended and local governments continue to defend the logic of the emergency commissioner of the dictatorship, that of dell'arraf policy-making.
No reconstruction, not a word of disdain for the general Bertolaso, either in relation to investigations in which he is involved, either in relation to the use and reckless privatization of public money, such as operated in emergencies and in so-called big events.
institutions have proven not to be on the side of citizens and we do not trust this administration, more and more attentive to the interests of individuals, the bosses, the corrupt and increasingly distant from their electoral base.
On February 28 we showed that we can rebuild from the bottom, with the self-organization, with our "policy of doing" with the participation of all.
Organizziamoci to show, also on 28 and 29 March, we have strong arms to wrest from the hands of all the commissioners for our future:


Organizziamoci to collect our certificates and return the election, what we need and involvement is a struggle from below, not by appearing to play a rigged game!

Aquilani for a network of rescue people

contacts: - 345.7612872

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Samsung 3160fn Image Unit From Europe

sheet of 6 March

Special AQ 6 March

Can Spern Live For 10 Days

L'Aquila, Haiti, Chile: social catastrophes

Acts of nature, social effects .

Chile was hit once again by an apocalyptic earthquake, as were the earthquakes of 1938, 1960 and 1985. With Swiss precision, every 25 years, the disaster occurs. The earthquake of 27 February was one of the strongest in recorded history: 8.8 Richter.
account The death toll is between 500 and 800 and there are those who say that a final figure would be desirable around 2,000 victims. Currently, an estimated two million people homeless, literally in the middle of a road. Destroyed two entire cities and regions (including Maule and Bio-Bio) annihilated.
As for the earthquake in Haiti, or in the Abruzzo, or even for Hurricane Katrina, which struck in 2005, the city of New Orleans, we are not only opposite to the 'irrepressible vehemence and disastrous forces of nature. "
contemporary era, with a metropolitan population and worldwide has exceeded the rural one, with mega-cities in which they amassed millions of people, with dormitory suburbs and slums, with economic and social organization which determines aspect of our lives - and then also the places where we live - nothing can happen without you now have a key role in the way it is organized that is affected.
When Hurricane Katrina approached the coast of Louisiana, in the city of New Orleans were only those who had no means of escape, let alone a room in a hotel hundreds of miles away rented throughout the year because of these eventualities, like many rich or wealthy citizens of that city can afford to have.
When buildings and hospitals collapsed like houses of cards Aquila also because it was built with sand, can you really think that there are responsibilities in those buildings who built them, planned to speculation and thinking profit?
When an earthquake hits a city like Port-au-Prince, where 80% of the population is under the indices of extreme poverty and destitution brings thousands of people live in slums, the favelas, you can not really think that the 200 thousand deaths in Haiti are to be attributed to "natural causes"?
Those that are described only as "natural disasters" can not be, at least not primarily, for the obvious reason that these events are involved in specific contexts, producing effects that have, in all respects, a social nature .
For this reason we speak of social catastrophes, because colpiscono un mondo che è già, in se stesso, una catastrofe, “ perché non sono le case dei capitalisti quelle che si afflosciano e crollano, non sono le famiglie dei borghesi quelle che rimangono senza i rifornimenti di prima necessità e non sono nemmeno i nostri padroni quelli che rimangono isolati e senza possibilità di muoversi in città di merda dove il trasporto pubblico svolge una funzione disciplinante di mero trasporto di mercanzia umana ” (1).
Per questo sosteniamo che l’urbanismo, l’economia, neppure in questi casi sono innocenti. Il capitalismo è la catastrofe. Il capitalismo è la barbarie.

emergency management.

"trucks, bulldozers, gutted houses. Tendopoli (...).
They managed to get only yesterday that the civil protection could not
barged into the curtains suddenly, in the middle of the night to check (...).
Warning Internet in tents. not allowed to distribute leaflets in the fields. (...) The city is completely militarized (...), all areas above the town and the woods are full military. (...) To enter the tent cities must undergo a series of raids humiliating, third degree disconcerting (...) The tents are stuffed with drugs. The military have taken on anything, heroin, ecstasy, cannabis, everything. And 'as if they wanted to isolate them from everything and everyone (...) it is important that the outside does not leak out anything. "
(from" I saw the Eagle ", Andrea Gattinoni) (2)

The lies of the military and the Chilean President Bachelet (who denied the danger just as this Tsunami already arrived on the coast) is the same infantile desire, denial of any individual initiative that we Aquila saw in camp management.

When the civil and social rules that the state shows that jump - and while it helps, but is repressed - is the desire to avoid self-organization of people, even the most primitive.

hour after the earthquake Radio Bio-Bio broadcast official information dell'ONEMI (National Bureau of Emergency) of this nature: "Earthquake of 8.5 degrees, 95 miles northeast of Concepcion. We accept no risk of tsunami
At six in the morning (two hours after the earthquake) the tsunami struck the islands of Juan Fernandez.
The coastal area near Concepcion was overwhelmed by waves of between three and twenty meters a few minutes after the earthquake. Can not feel the ribs in this case, duty would have been expected to warn the inhabitants of the island of Juan Fernandez - who could not have felt the earthquake - the arrival of a wave of three meters, but at 500 miles an hour.
While New Orleans was submerged by water and mud, with hundreds of deaths and a population that had lost everything, the government suspended the sending of relief to stop the "pillage", giving the military soon after the back from Iraq management of public order, "Who plunders the supermarkets will be executed on the spot."
at this time in Chile, while rising to 2 million displaced persons, while those who lost everything trying to survive by opening the doors of supermarkets, pharmacies, department stores and taking what they need, the State responds with police, the army sent to stop looting and protect private property, liberal democracy responds with a curfew in some areas has reached 18 hours a day over 24, with the ban on the streets persons who no longer have another place to stay.
Just as in New Orleans and Port-au-Prince as the state soon followed - or not coming at all - aid, are easily mobilized thousands of soldiers to enforce the martial law (enacted in the two regions most affected by the Chilean earthquake ). While in Concepcion (Biobar) does not reach the water for the thirsty mouths, no problem filling the tanks of tank-riot water cannons, used against looters
The prisoners (including many Mapuche prisoners) who have decided not to remain in Chilean jails die collapsing in on themselves, they are sought and sometimes executed in the street. Hundreds are processed after riots, ninety prisoners captured after the flight and four dead ones in the crossfire while there's news of the first murder victims for failing to meet curfew.
These are also the Humanitarian Aid of the Chilean Government.
The truth, the Italian government has shown the Eagle, the U.S. in New Orleans, the UN humanitarian operation in Haiti, is that the soldiers always come first, batons and machine guns first bread and water: social order and maintaining it is always for the state, more important than the lives of his subjects.

Autorganizzazione e espropriazione.

Chiedo per cortesia ai media di non parlare più dei saccheggi, ne di riprenderli in diretta, perché quando ne parlano la gente segue l’esempio e va in cerca di luoghi da saccheggiare.

(Hols Paulmanm, multimiliardario, padrone di catene di supermercati cileni)

Gli aquilani che qualche giorno fa si sono decisi a violare la zona rossa per ripulirla dalle macerie, ci insegnano che la pazienza ha un limite.
I saccheggiatori cileni, going directly to recover what they need to survive, stealing those goods themselves, as proletarians, have produced, we show that the limit can be overcome.
This limit lies precisely nell'inconciliabilità between people's needs and demands of the state, in emergency management sees only an opportunity to experiment with new and extreme techniques for maintaining order and discipline in the reconstruction only new revenues to be shared.
As desperation grows, while the owners are organizing to protect their private property with as many rounds private, mentre il coprifuoco e i militari riescono solo ad arginare ma non a fermare la banale ma evidentemente intollerabile volontà di vivere dei poveri, la stampa cilena costruisce la solita immagine dello sciacallo, del criminale privo di scrupoli, disposto a far profitto sulla tragedia altrui.
Non potendo screditare e mistificare totalmente i saccheggi messi in atto da fasce vastissime di disperati, questi sciacalli dell’informazione si prodigano nella costruzione di un nuovo steccato morale, distinguendo tra “saccheggiatori buoni” (chi ruba il pane) e “saccheggiatori cattivi” (chi ruba la lavatrice o un plasma). Allo stesso modo, per giustificarne la repressione generalizzata create the evil ghost of armed gangs, calling the toll to cross certain areas or steal from the rubble of the districts.
In describing what is certainly part of reality after the earthquake, or war between the poor and the emergence of new forms of community Mafia forget to tell the residents of the neighborhoods attacked by these gangs have , also, (auto) organized (in some cases by arming) to defend themselves, who often forget to write the result of looting supplies the fields where they have fled the earthquake and that these "criminals," the loot they are doing common use.
What is evident is that the solidarity among the existing operators and attendants - employers, government, journalists -, compact in defense of order and property, is an equally strong solidarity among the oppressed, between the poor, among the disadvantaged.
The recent past has highlighted how we are increasingly faced with social emergencies that become de facto permanent state of emergency : military contingents, the monopoly of humanitarian organizations, the red areas - or curfews - the establishment of martial law (3) or the de facto suspension del Diritto democratico (5), e il business della ricostruzione rappresentano il solo modo con cui l’emergenza viene gestita.
Dal futuro non possiamo che aspettarci una sempre crescente creazione di emergenze da gestire e, gli alpini nelle strade italiane sono lì per ricordarcelo, un sempre più confuso e labile confine tra stato d’emergenza (o di guerra) e “normalità”. Le dichiarazioni dei vertici militari occidentali non fanno che confermare tali aspettative (5).
Quello che insegnano i fatti cileni è che non vi sono teorie più o meno rivoluzionarie che possano essere indicate a chi si trova nel pieno della tempesta social, especially since in theory often - that Chile is just the latest case - is largely exceeded by the actual practices of the exploited.
These practices - self-organization, the expropriation of the lords of this world, direct action, self-defense (we repeat: even armed) in front of a military occupation and the rise of new forms of primitive capitalism (the mafia), the practical solidarity among the oppressed - are what we can learn and recognize how only possible escape routes from the catastrophe that is the social organization in which we live, because rappresentano la negazione di questo mondo, il suo rifiuto.

E’ di questo che parlano, coi fatti, tra le macerie, le strade cilene.

E’ questo che urlano, con determinazione e coraggio, gli uomini e le donne di Concepcion.

Il capitalismo è la catastrofe. Il capitalismo è la barbarie.

internazionalisti solidali

(1) Da "A convertir en ruinas y escombros la sociedad de clases", Trad. italiana su:
(2) "I saw the Eagle. Letter to my wife,"
(3) In New Orleans, Chile, Haiti.
(4) In the Eagle, but also in banlieues of Paris during the riots of 2005.
(5) See the NATO document "Urban Operations in the Year 2020," but also " The war of the future will be played in the streets, sewers, high-rise, sprawling and anarchic in residential areas which are of cities falling planet. Our recent military history is dotted with city names - Tuzla, Mogadishu, Los Angeles, Beirut, Panama, Hue, Saigon, Santo Domingo - but all these fights have been only a prologue: the real drama is yet to come . "(Major Ralph Peters of the Army War College, 1996).