Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Does The Mfc7440n Print Color

disasters employers


Aquila, Messina, Haiti, Chile, "are not natural disasters to kill," confessed the media master, "but the hand of man." With this approximation we should get used to accept the horrors of the capitalist system as inevitable, as they were part of human nature, like nature to govern the system and not the other way. The victims become perpetrators and accomplices at the same time, to be repressed if you organize themselves to cope with a disaster on their own and other crime as these calamities, which are less natural and more employers.

" E 'a city of paper, which has been destroyed ... So all the crumbling buildings of the poor, where it is normal to put a good percentage of sand in the concrete to save ... We'll never know how many people lost their lives in those baracche” . Così scrive Repubblica sul terremoto di Haiti. “ Lasciatemelo dire, è andata bene. Il mattino del 6 aprile abbiamo pensato che i morti del terremoto potessero essere fra i 1500 e i 2000. Per fortuna invece, nonostante sia sempre doloroso, le vittime sono state 300 ”. Così parla Berlusconi a proposito del terremoto dell’Aquila, dove è lecito chiedersi il perché di tali aspettative da parte del premier e dei padroni che rappresenta.
Berlusconi sapeva, la protezione civile sapeva, la Regione sapeva, l’Adisu sapeva, anche la procura sapeva e il sindaco dell’Aquila, che presenziò alla riunione della Commissione Grandi Rischi del 31 marzo insieme a membri della national civil defense and local officials of the region and so on. That committee should prepare a plan for immediate evacuation and alerting the public rather than reassure, to the mouth of the prefect, the people who asked for security and report technical Giuliani procured for alarm. Now the technical
Giuliani was acquitted, his investigation of a direct correlation between accumulation of radon and earthquakes believed to be reliable. The people and the families of the victims denounced the Commission Major Hazards for failure alarm, multiple manslaughter and serious injury.
investigations involving the collapse, of course, designers and builders, many of which are now deceased and the families of the victims will accontentarsi di qualche capro espiatorio ancora in vita, perché è un intero sistema politico-affaristico da mettere alla sbarra, un intero sistema economico da processare. E un processo del genere non può avvenire attraverso la giustizia borghese, questa non può processare sé stessa. Le inchieste sul G8 e il business della ricostruzione all’Aquila, hanno soltanto mostrato una piccola crepa di questo sistema, quella “gelatinosa”, come la definiscono gli inquirenti.
Una rete di “rapporti corruttivi stabili” che si dirama tra massimi funzionari dello Stato, da Bertolaso a Balducci, gentiluomo di Sua Santità, a De Santis ecc., politici rampanti, iene “ridens” di ogni sorta, imprese with enormous financial powers and criminal, to reach the courts until the Court of Auditors. A "sign" contracts, a grinder of public money that also count on support within the financial police and secret services.
This is the true face of a capitalist system that acts in the name of profit by any means, "legal" or "illegal" either. A system that commodify everything: life, health, safety, environment and culture.
The recent attempt to convert the Italian civil protection standards in the spa, emblematic of quest'aberrazione. Now who took money to build public works insecure, who has been silent so that collapsed without scrupling possible victims, promotions and offers awards and continues to take public money to rebuild. The profit of the reconstruction business has always been the motive for the war of the bosses. The media still talk about natural disasters, but it is "class earthquakes, disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc..) That cause the more damage the greater the poverty, the exploitation of humans and the environment and speculation. Security is charged in a nutshell, the poor pay with their lives.
This has happened in Haiti, and L'Aquila in Messina, where those who wanted to leave the house because the student's dilapidated non l’ha fatto per non perdere la borsa di studio, dove abbiamo visto gli aiuti trasformarsi in businnes e corruzione sulla pelle di terremotati sempre più poveri, i soccorsi in stato di assedio e di polizia, le tendopoli in lager, l'emergenza in dittatura e profitto per i padroni.
Parlano demagogicamente di sicurezza per scatenare la rabbia dei proletari italiani contro gli immigrati, del progetto C.A.S.E. come un vero miracolo della banda Berlusconi-Bertolaso, del modello “L’Aquila”, della protezione civile italiana come esempio per tutto il mondo.

Ma quale sicurezza? Ma quali miracoli berlusconiani?

Alla casa dello studente lacked a pillar, there were no stirrups, the concrete was of poor quality, the columns were soaked with moisture, there was a basement abusive, destroyed the wing from the weight of beams and solar panels that will put at risk the stability, there was a scale of emergency and that there was not anchored to the rest of the building and collapsed, cracks were reported more often by children each year, patched with no stability control. No adaptation to seismic risk, even during the restructuring was carried out, even though it knew that it was under that building, that building that would be dropped without a earthquake. The real miracle is that that building has governed until April 6, 2009!
The CASE project, the flagship of the absolute masters, self-Award Winning & Bertolaso \u200b\u200bBerlusconi is already water on all sides: it rains inside, the pipes burst and frost with the lack of sewers, the sewage is discharged directly into rivers, gas leaks and routes of entry barred from the mud, bolts, canopies and other metal components swept away by the wind. The real miracle was to get an ambulance to the plate 9 straw Sassa! The real miracle, for the lucky who live in those houses, you will find a technical project that CASE is from Lombardy Aquila risorvergli for a problem!
The real miracle is that the earthquake happened at night and before Easter, after having been felt for 4 months, otherwise it would have many more casualties among students, employees and commuters!
The real miracle is to explain how it is possible that the hospital, the prefecture, the nerve centers of emergency management in an area of \u200b\u200bhigh seismic risk could have been down!
The real miracle workers are immigrants working at the CASE project: I am still alive, despite being forced to live in inhumane conditions, precarious and overexploitation! They are the workers who clean the houses, working 11-12 hours at a time (sometimes by 7 am to 2 am) with no water or electricity for 5 euro per hour!
are displaced, 70% of which has not been benefited from the CASE project and now lives decimated one of the hotels (handsomely paid with public money until July 2010), housing both inside and outside the region provided by relatives or friends or in obstructing their homes, jeopardizing their own safety because they do not have the money to repair their houses or pay rent. They must not forget the more than 16,000 earthquake victims without a job, the industry laid off 4,500, the 8,000 temporary workers without subsidy.
The real miracle is invisible to students at the University of L'Aquila, which continue to be so after the earthquake. "20,000 have enrolled this year," said the rector, but where are they?
would be a miracle to explain it, few will have the "luck" to accommodate the new student housing built with public money but owned by the Curia, as the new bishop's residence! Others do not know where to stay in remote villages to commute or at home outside the home.
The real miracle is that these students can still study with profit in this condition!
But you know, miracles makes them only God and his ministers and neoministro in pectore Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwanted to support the poor and women of this city, featuring another nice piece to the Curia for a noble cause: to build, again with public money, the new religious complex of the Friars Minor, with much of the soup kitchen, convent, church and housing for mothers in difficulty, of course, all church-run. But one has to swell the coffers of the Vatican poor! Other than secularism, other than soup kitchens and homes of women or the student, other than common property, other than security, but Italian miracle! To us "mere mortals", and certainly it is common for only the mortality and insecurity.

A masters of business mafia and the Vatican are billions of Italian miracle!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Da Series 400 Watt Atx

The U.S. invaded Haiti

Gli Usa invadono Haiti. I parà schierati nelle strade per evitare assalti e saccheggi

Mobilitazione negli Usa a sostegno della popolazione haitiana

Il popolo haitiano ha bisogno di aiuti di emergenza
Non di repressione ne’ di più dominazione

tradotto da Revolution , giornale del PCR USA
a cura di proletari comunisti - Circolo di Taranto, Via Rintone 22, 3475301704

The eyes of the world under the eyes the scenes of horror coming from Haiti and all grieve. People from all over the world is trying to help the Haitian people in every possible way. Meanwhile time is running while people literally dying under the rubble and the streets for lack of medical care, water, food, shelter.
The means to rescue and help the Haitian people are! The world's governments should provide them immediately. While some governments have sent doctors and other relief, on Thursday morning the U.S. bother to send paratroopers and ensure the area militarily. Now Obama has promised a hundred million dollars, but the U.S. government's concern is primarily to maintain order and repressive state control and / or counteract the initiative and the efforts of the masses to face this horrible situation (100 million dollars is less than 1% of annual U.S. military spending in Iraq and Afghanistan).
It should help not repress the Haitian people. The official media, as they did during Hurricane Katrina, are describing the Haitian people as animals and criminals. In reality in Haiti, as in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, the masses in general are mobilizing to deal with collectively in their situation. All aid programs should support these efforts.
The disaster in Haiti is neither the result of the supposed "will of God" nor is it the fault of the Haitian people. It 's the result of centuries of domination and imperialist occupation and isolation. Journalists speak of poverty in Haiti but do not say why Haiti is so poor.
Few people know that Haiti was the scene of the only successful slave revolution in history, when the heroic descendants of African slaves drove the French army, the strongest in the world at that time.
Few know that the greatest powers of the world, especially the U.S., which at that time feared the influence of Haiti on their slaves, and France, attacked furiously in a policy of isolation and impoverishment of Haiti. Few know that the U.S. Marines occupied Haiti for almost 20 years in the early 20th century, suppressing the liberation struggle and installing their puppets in power. Few know that in the mid-20th century the U.S. supported the infamous vicious tyrant "Pada Doc" Duvalier and then his son "Baby Doc" and few know that they have finally conspired to overthrow the popular President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, in the years' 90 and again a few years ago, in 2004.
In other parole, il fatto che il popolo haitiano viva in condizioni orribili e che oggi deve affrontare questo disastro con poche più che le proprie mani, e contro un insieme di relazioni sociali repressive, è il risultato di un sistema mondiale.
Tutti i giorni nel mondo, come risultato di questo sistema, miliardi di persone soffrono la fame e molti rischiano di morirne. Centinaia di milioni di bambini sono obbligati a lavorare come schiavi e a vivere in quartieri poveri in mezzo all'immondizia e alle fogne. Ondate di immigrati senza possibilità di vivere nella propria terra attraversano il mondo in cerca di lavoro e, quando lo trovano, sono costretti a lavorare fino allo stremo e a vivere nell'ombra con la paura costante di essere deportati e vedere la propria famiglia distrutta.
Oggi un numero crescente di persone non riesce a trovare un impiego e molti stanno perdendo la casa e il lavoro, mentre altri sono costretti a rompersi ancora di più la schiena. Tutti sono invitati e indotti a consumare sempre di più, al costo di un debito sempre maggiore e della perdita di ogni senso o significato superiore della vita, e di più profonde relazioni con gli altri esseri umani. Molti sono spinti sull'orlo del precipizio. Un numero crescente di persone è già al limite e spesso sprofonda nella cieca disperazione.
Oggi, questo sistema sta peggiorando ancora di più un disastro già terribile. Imperialism is not the material cause of the earthquake, but the imperialist system, which sets a reply to this earthquake.
In conclusion: this is not the best of all possible worlds.
We must not live like that.
E 'with the revolution that put an end to this system and give life to a much better.