Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why Does My Dog Crawl Under The Bed

None or all

“Nessuno o tutti – o tutto or nothing. You can not save himself. "
(Bertold Brecht)

Tens of thousands of displaced people without jobs or income, no houses or places of study are safe for all students.

right to health does not exist. After allowing the holding of a G8 € 500 million over a sanitopoli that we will always be the ones to pay, the "clients" will see the local health snatched this one.

After 5 months resisted the harsh life of the tent camps not to abandon their city, now we will come away from L'deported, without being ready for all the houses.
The real purpose of this mass deportation is the usual nature-election propaganda - it aims to sell the CASE plan and government policy as a success at international level - and speculation - the citizens will be discouraged from back and incentive to sell their homes for a few euro to unscrupulous real estate agents (perhaps even the real estate and related family Bertolaso \u200b\u200ball'Eucentre, founded by the same civil protection)

over 70,000 IDPs, about 16,000 are CASE places officially provided in the plan by the end of the year, where will all other earthquakes?

Each unit of the CASE plan has a cost base of € 135,000 against the 15,000 planned for the new mobile homes, while 70% of mobile homes, used to give very temporary shelter for earthquake victims in Umbria and Marche are left to rot in Capua, at the warehouse of the self-recovery of movable Grouping of Civil Defense (now under investigation - and rightly so - for multiple manslaughter)

The criteria for the allocation of CASE (determined by common and civil protection), as well as those for the identification of locations where by the end of the month all will be deported from L'Aquila, are already sparking a war among the poor. The rich will do under the track, all while trying to save themselves.

Only the self-organization, the rejection of the delegation and a process of direct democracy can reverse the anti-people policies and prevent war between the poor. There are those who still insists on asking the requisition of vacant houses accessible. There are those who still puts forward the dialogue with the institutions in a mass struggle. Some are still gives in to terrorism to be the protagonist of the institutions giving up their future. But the future belongs to those who fight, not who buys it or, worse, delegation.
  • We believe it is time to occupy the vacant houses viable
  • We believe that only a mass struggle can bring results and if the institutions are there to be overturned
  • We believe that the future belongs to us and every time we fight for it. We fight for life, not for survival. For the life and memory of everything and everyone.
September is not the time to migrate, but to fight vigorously and to object to the robbery of our city and our history


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