Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pokemon Silver Evolving Blog

"None or all - all or nothing. You can not save himself. "
(Bertold Brecht)

Tens of thousands of refugees without income, no houses or places of study for university students and non-right to health non-existent - after that it enabled a G8 € 500 million over a sanitopoli that we will always us to pay, the "clients" will see the local health snatched this one.
About 73,000 displaced persons, 16,000 places are officially set up in houses, but, at best, only 4,000 of these will be ready in September, on which construction sites, in Bazzano, Thursday 30 Berlusconi will fly to plant its flags.
So 69,000 displaced in September will not have a roof for the winter.
Some examples of how the City and civil protection aim to train the ranking according to unofficial advance: each evacuee is worth one point, 1.5 points higher for those who have a job, 5 points for children under 5 years, 2 for total disability for the elderly over 85 years.
But the real "lucky" are those who have had at least one family of the earthquake victim who is less than 5 points. Thus the house instead of a right guaranteed to all, becomes the compensation which share responsibility for failing to alert the death of 307 persons (Berlusconi and Bertolaso \u200b\u200bfact), are willing to pay to the family. 5 points for every innocent victim and the justice of the owners is made.

September is near, after the holidays the way open warfare between the poor!
I will make you rich in the trace.
While all try to save himself.

On July 10 we have dared to L'Aquila. We arrived about 10:00 people from all over Italy to protest against "the powerful G8 over 300 innocent victims." "Out of the exploiters, L'Aquila free", we wrote, "At the G8 money so many displaced people kick the teeth," we shouted, but also a promise we made, "a revolt will bury you." Despite the dictatorship of the emergence of civil protection, despite the deterrent effect of the political campaign and trade union confederations and local authorities, we have done in comune per il bene comune e non per il bene di 8 potenti.
Chi ha tentato di isolare le lotte dei terremotati aquilani dal movimento generale contro le politiche di sciacallaggio e devastazione globale delle risorse umane ed ambientali ha fallito.
I rappresentanti dei comitati cittadini, che pur definendosi apartitici e pur contestando adesso la rappresentatività del consiglio comunale, hanno di fatto seguito gli indirizzi del PD e del comune scegliendo di non contestare il G8 per evitare “facili strumentalizzazioni”, ora devono spiegare agli sfollati “chi strumentalizza chi e perché” (forse per le prossime amministrative?).
Il Sindaco dell’Aquila che in occasione del G8, per mendicare briciole, ha scelto di abdicare al suo ruolo di difensore degli interessi della città pur di non disturbare il manovratore, ora deve assumersene le responsabilità. Chi pecora si fa, lupo la mangia e l’attuale isteria del primo cittadino, mal cela l’inadeguatezza di questa amministrazione a gestire in maniera trasparente anche solo i flussi d’informazione sulla ricostruzione.
A tutti questi signori che in quei giorni gridavano “al lupo” per l’arrivo dei “no-global” ricordiamo che i veri lupi sono gli sciacalli al governo, sono le tutte le istituzioni e i partiti che hanno rilasciato building permits without any security constraints, are the 8 powerful of the earth, of this land, emptied of its inhabitants, torn by crisis and grief, they did the stage of their power.

After the G8, the struggle of displaced people has yet to begin

Only the self-organization, the rejection of the delegation and a process of direct democracy can reverse the anti-people policies and to prevent the war among the poor.
Without delegation, self-organized, for a movement of occupation of vacant houses as the first viable solution to the problem more urgent.

Thursday 30 at 10:00
the garrison town before we hemicycle, we'll move from there to "greet" the prime minister.

for a Network of People's Aid


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