I rifiuti blindati di piazza d’armi
Ci sono vecchi, bambini, persone con l’invalidità totale, italiani e stranieri.
La protezione civile gli ha lasciato solo le tende, una lavatrice, un cesso chimico e tanta monnezza.
Da oltre 10 giorni vivono in una vera e propria discarica. Non hanno cucina, né viveri.
Da oltre 10 giorni la Sebach non provvede allo svuotamento e pulizia del process.
civil defense do know what time the management of the field is attributable to the municipality. But the mayor has never been there, to see the rats and dogs wallow in the shit that is flooding the toilets, tent shredded by those who do not know, a young woman resident in the area, gas cylinders abandoned and many other wastes left by the military authorities dismantled the tents.
I've been on, I saw and heard. They told me that now that camp is no man's land that is left when the civil defense has been abandoned to itself and there is no supervision.
But watch I've seen how. On Saturday, the day of the town n preparation of the event, 29, took practical digos and police, always diligent when you smell the scent in the air in protest.
A guy told me that in that field was the red light area and shop area. He said police knew all but closed both eyes, even in the days of the G8, he went to them and said: "drogatevi, vendetevi, worn, just do not do casino" .
In the days of the G8 that boy had lost his mother and had a pair of new pants to go to the funeral. The police entered the tent and bloccava per le gambe sul letto. “Non azzardarti ad uscire da questa tenda durante il G8, per una settimana rimarrai qui dentro!”
“drogatevi, vendetevi, consumate, basta che non facciate casino”
Ho dormito lì sabato notte e la mattina dopo volevo scattare qualche foto, per documentare le condizioni bestiali in cui esseri umani sono tenuti da questo Stato da “nobel per la pace”.
La prima foto l’ho scattata ai poliziotti che mi hanno subito bloccata, perquisita la macchina e trattenuta lì per un’ora. “E’ vietato fare foto”, mi hanno said. "You can not photograph this mess?" - "Do not interfere, and called journalists" the answer. And then: "Are you visiting guests of the camp?" - "As guests?, Quake victims are not guests here, this is their home, this dump is home" I told him (those were policemen from Rome) - " Here there will be no services, but lacks the SSICUREZZA, "replies the cop.
The friend I stayed that night came to me and they ordered him to withdraw into the tent.
"drogatevi, vendetevi, worn, just do not do casino"
The world must know the truth, the truth is revolutionary ...
"drogatevi, vendetevi, worn, just do not do casino"
for 29 When Silvio will rip his Nobel Peace Prize in Bazzano, everything must be neat and clean, nobody has to know, nobody should complain. Waste and displaced persons in the landfill closed barbonizzati of the parade.
"drogatevi, vendetevi, worn, just do not do casino"
Queste foto, la verità che contengono e la solidarietà le dedico ai miei amici di piazza d’armi.
A questo regime fascista e spietato, che vuole cancellare la libertà faccio i miei auguri di rivoluzione.
Chi non ha pietà non merita pietà.
Luigia, per una rete di soccorso popolare

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