The two-day "luggage for a trip of women in combat" organized in Taranto on March 13/14 by the Company of Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Movement, was held in a beautiful climate, made hot fighting spirit, the pleasure of being, socialize, get to know the fellow, unemployed, workers who until the day before had been involved in fights, and, for some companies, in 8 events in March, also at the conference came the news and greetings to workers, poor fighting the same day of 13, as Palermo, where the day before there had been charges of police and where her friends who attended the two days have brought a banner in the precarious gifts to the unemployed of Taranto. the first day you are socialized the struggles of recent months, from north to south , which combine specific attacks work and our lives to attack the general condition of our women. For this reason proletarian in the assembly have raised the challenge
to: PREPARE THE NEXT MONTH STRIKE all the women who weaves the battle for the work to the fight against the double oppression. Not surprisingly, the banner that the unemployed Taranto had put in their room and took over an old but very good slogan of the feminist movement: "awful, awful, the witches are back! E 'was therefore decided to link up with the reality à of the most significant struggle of women, with direct meetings for the working together, for the strike. In the assembly was also spoke about the struggles of other women. In particular, it was told the battle of women in L'Aquila from the beginning of the earthquake in recent days against the jackals ridens, was sued because the new town of Berlusconi in particular for women mean isolation, "soundproofing" Scientific suffocation of the need for socialization. In the assembly workers, the unemployed have said we're going L'Aquila to meet these women to give and receive strength. E 'was taken in the assembly of the revolt immigrant
and the ongoing battle for Joy and rapes against the police, and has made a commitment to support the ongoing struggles for freedom from the fields concentration of CIE and residence permits to migrant sisters, but also to support the initiative by other companies because of the companions of the Milan police inspector who tried to rape processat o Joy is sentenced. On all this, in the assembly posts were made to work, unemployment, women of L'Aquila, the immigrant. Above from various interventions has been strongly denounced the leap down, practical, political, ideological, cultural, that is maintained on the whole status of women: the holy family, the expansion of machismo, messages subliminal and brands in the world mass media, led by the use of foul corp the female by Berlusconi to the Bishops, etc.. - And that this condition is a litmus test of the modern Middle Ages in which you want to bring the whole society. But women, especially proletarian struggle every day, they do not complain: it was written as in other banners in the hall: "We decided to raise its head", "life must change." why the conclusion of the first day of the meeting was the vision of a beautiful and exciting video that shows, with images, music, the path already in place in the general feminist struggle, proletarian, revolutionary women in our country as internationally. A path that joins the rebellion of the majority of women, regardless of class because the women in this society are not all equal, the revolutionary struggle to break the double chains, the recovery of historic milestones più importanti della doppia lotta per le donne per una società socialista in cui le donne abbiano un ruolo di direzione perchè la rivoluzione vada a fondo non si fermi a metà strada, una rivoluzione nella rivoluzione che trasformi il cielo e la terra fino al comunismo. Al video è seguito un allegro buffet, in cui ogni disoccupata ha portato qualcosa da mangiare e bere. IL VIDEO SARA' AL PIU' PRESTO MESSO A DISPOSIZIONE DI TUTTE LE DONNE CHE CE LO CHIEDONO. E' questa determinazione, questo entusiasmo, che le compagne, le lavoratrici, le disoccupate, precarie porteranno alla Conferenza Mondiale in Venezuela del 2011 - per cui già nell'assemblea si è cominciato a vedere il modo practical to go, and also do a campaign to raise funds. the second day this route has seen a revolutionary proletarian feminist study, even in theory, through the work on materials, tests, to develop with new elaborations in close relationship with practice, new thinking and new practices of the women's movement, that the companions of the MFPR started, in 1995, compared with the most advanced processing at international level. E 'produced an initial document (in progress), "NOTES FOR A NEW FEMINIST THOUGHT AND PRACTICE proletarian revolutionary." We came back then the appointment of Venezuela, to explore the themes in terms proactive but also critical - because for us this appointment to be constructed by combining theory and practice, documents and meetings to the continued practice of women's struggle, distinguishing what is the revolutionary act of the women's movement, the talk of revolution / socialism but engaging in empty words and the full social democracy. THE SECOND DAY ON THIS TRAIL HAS 'CONCLUDED WITH A NEW, LONGER, APPOINTMENT FOR THIS SUMMER. We are preparing a dossier with assistance and material more significant of the two days that we will provide. To request: e mail - 3475301704 (Margaret) 3408429376 (Kathy). Chiaramente sia messaggi che dossier che foto li metteremo appena pronti sul blog: http.// Compagne, in particolare da Roma, da Bologna, da Milano e alcune realtà di lavoratrici in lotta, pur non potendo venire hanno mandato saluti e messaggi, noi le ringraziamo molto e i loro saluti sono stati letti e accolti con calore dall'assemblea.

Taranto, 13/14 marzo 2010
Taranto, 13/14 marzo 2010
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