After nearly 11 months of waiting, illusioni, oscuramenti mediatici e strumentalizzazioni pre-elettorali, il 28 febbraio la coscienza dei cittadini aquilani si è risvegliata dal torpore. In migliaia si sono riversati nel centro storico per riconquistare il proprio diritto all’autodeterminazione, la dignità di un popolo ferito a morte non solo dal terremoto, ma dallo sciacallaggio che politici, affaristi, istituzioni e media hanno perpetrato di fatto ben prima del terremoto.
308 persone il 6 aprile hanno perso la vita mentre altri ridevano quella notte.
308 persone hanno perso la vita perché la sicurezza dei cittadini per la Commissione Grandi Rischi e per lo Stato sono “problemi di ordine pubblico”.
308 people have lost their lives in ill repute.
That dishonesty covered and promoted for decades by governments of left and right, who, knowing that the eagle was of high seismic risk has left her in a seismic zone 2 to encourage speculation.
E 'this economic system to commodify everything: life, health, safety and environment. Now who took money to build public works insecure, who has been silent so collapsed, promotions and offers awards and continues to take public money to rebuild. Profit, the business of reconstruction is always was the motive for the war of the bosses.
Investigations on the G8 and the reconstruction business in L'Aquila, only showed a small crack in this system, a political-economic-business and further away from the needs of citizens and which claims to govern ecosystem

512 .. Italians have paid € 474,000.00 for the Summit craziest, mocking, unnecessary and costly recent history and while local administrators "wagged its tail" behind this summit , all political forces and trade union confederations are launching a campaign deterrent to popular mobilizations to not disturb the operator.
Now these politicians must assume their responsibility. The macabre theater, with eight powerful of the earth through the rubble of the Eagle has not revived the economy of the city, but only that of politicians and businessmen: luxury, waste, and on the stage of nerve pain.
€ 2,700 / m² have cost houses to provide accommodation to 1 / 5 of the citizens of Aquila; € 1,500 / m² only for seismic plates, while for the reconstruction of real houses even € 1,000 / m² are intended and local governments continue to defend the logic of the emergency commissioner of the dictatorship, that of dell'arraf policy-making.
No reconstruction, not a word of disdain for the general Bertolaso, either in relation to investigations in which he is involved, either in relation to the use and reckless privatization of public money, such as operated in emergencies and in so-called big events.
institutions have proven not to be on the side of citizens and we do not trust this administration, more and more attentive to the interests of individuals, the bosses, the corrupt and increasingly distant from their electoral base.
On February 28 we showed that we can rebuild from the bottom, with the self-organization, with our "policy of doing" with the participation of all.
Organizziamoci to show, also on 28 and 29 March, we have strong arms to wrest from the hands of all the commissioners for our future:
Organizziamoci to collect our certificates and return the election, what we need and involvement is a struggle from below, not by appearing to play a rigged game!
Aquilani for a network of rescue people
contacts: sommosprol@gmail.com - 345.7612872
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