Una ventina di sfollati del campo di piazza d'armi stamattina hanno tenuto un presidio con blocco stradale intermittente, davanti round of the parade ground. 2 banners were displayed, "all or none, or all or nothing _ it can not save himself. For a network of rescue people" "thank Cialente, you left us without niente_ parade still in tents." front of a massive deployment of security forces (although the event had not been made official), the displaced of the parade finally came out of the darkness where they were relegated to date. A., 100% disabled, took the megaphone in his hand and shouted his anger: "Mayor of shit you left in the shit too severely disabled." Vincent has nearly 50 years is unemployed, lives with his mother in more than 80 years, forced to a wheelchair, and a younger brother, the one that works. For them (for him) talked about Louise, "in this area, no toilets, no food and no health care, are still living with disabilities and the elderly ... etc.." G. this time did not want to expose, has already made too much mess alone and without support from anyone. Stay on the sidelines. Two days ago, is now publicly threatening the mayor of death, and was removed by guards. The mayor knows him from when they were children, he voted for and still has the card in the pocket of the Democratic Party tells me I am still communist, but they, him, I have come un'infarto .... have to pay. I just feel better farò giustizia... Rabbia, rabbia, tanta rabbia, soffocata in un deserto di cemento e falsità. Interventi al megafono si sono susseguiti, mentre gli sfollati attraversavano la strada per creare disagi nel trafico. Verso l'ora di pranzo abbiamo apparecchiato in mezzo alla strada: un tavolo di plastica, un pò di sedie, una bottiglia di vino e spaghetti della c.e.e. al pomodoro.
"Quello che mangiamo e beviamo lo abbiamo ottenuto con soldi nostri, dal comune, dalla provincia e dalla protezione civile nessun aiuto". Quello che segue è il comunicato letto al megafono e condiviso dagli sfollati di piazza d'armi che hanno manifestato: "Nessuno o tutti -- o tutto o niente. Non si può salvarsi da sé." (Bertold Brecht) Non ci sono C.A.S.E. per tutti e non ci saranno Si sono spesi milioni di euro per un G8 che ha arrecato grandi disagi agli sfollati e grandi vantaggi ai potenti. Ci hanno usato come comparse per il loro teatrino e neanche ci hanno pagato. Si sono spesi milioni di euro per alloggi tutt'altro che provvisori per dare un tetto solo a pochi, cementificando irreversibilmente tutto l'Aquilano a vantaggio della mafia e delle cordate immobiliari legate alle istituzioni e alla stessa protezione civile NOI abbiamo resistito 6 mesi alla dura vita delle tendopoli per non leave our territory. WE have swallowed up all the tears we have left for the loved ones we lost in a predictable tragedy, swept away by the owners of the land to clear their responsibilities Now They left us with nothing, abandoned to decay, hunger , violence, poverty. Only the garbage they left us. Now want deported en masse away from our real homes, from work (for those who still have it) by our emotions, our memories, our life, without the confidence to return. There are homes for all and there will be But then those they have done, for who I am? For what are they? Who are they? There will be a cold, snow and us? They made a huge landfill in this city and its citizens "uncomfortable" bulky waste to be kept away from the spotlight and take away with a bulldozer to bury them along with other debris. Their consciousness smells of death. That stench, their consciousness, their garbage, today we will try to emerge from the black hole of the parade. Cialente THANKS, WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT WITHOUT parade ground and 'STILL IN TENTS No deportations! If a strike is affecting all! for a network of rescue people DISPLACED Piazza d'Armi

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