Monday, October 12, 2009

Advage Highof American Woman

Cialente Thanks, we do not have anything left. Parade is still in tents among the displaced investigation report

Una ventina di sfollati del campo di piazza d'armi stamattina hanno tenuto un presidio con blocco stradale intermittente, davanti round of the parade ground. 2 banners were displayed, "all or none, or all or nothing _ it can not save himself. For a network of rescue people" "thank Cialente, you left us without niente_ parade still in tents." front of a massive deployment of security forces (although the event had not been made official), the displaced of the parade finally came out of the darkness where they were relegated to date. A., 100% disabled, took the megaphone in his hand and shouted his anger: "Mayor of shit you left in the shit too severely disabled." Vincent has nearly 50 years is unemployed, lives with his mother in more than 80 years, forced to a wheelchair, and a younger brother, the one that works. For them (for him) talked about Louise, "in this area, no toilets, no food and no health care, are still living with disabilities and the elderly ... etc.." G. this time did not want to expose, has already made too much mess alone and without support from anyone. Stay on the sidelines. Two days ago, is now publicly threatening the mayor of death, and was removed by guards. The mayor knows him from when they were children, he voted for and still has the card in the pocket of the Democratic Party tells me I am still communist, but they, him, I have come un'infarto .... have to pay. I just feel better farò giustizia... Rabbia, rabbia, tanta rabbia, soffocata in un deserto di cemento e falsità. Interventi al megafono si sono susseguiti, mentre gli sfollati attraversavano la strada per creare disagi nel trafico. Verso l'ora di pranzo abbiamo apparecchiato in mezzo alla strada: un tavolo di plastica, un pò di sedie, una bottiglia di vino e spaghetti della c.e.e. al pomodoro. Giustifica "Quello che mangiamo e beviamo lo abbiamo ottenuto con soldi nostri, dal comune, dalla provincia e dalla protezione civile nessun aiuto". Quello che segue è il comunicato letto al megafono e condiviso dagli sfollati di piazza d'armi che hanno manifestato: "Nessuno o tutti -- o tutto o niente. Non si può salvarsi da sé." (Bertold Brecht) Non ci sono C.A.S.E. per tutti e non ci saranno Si sono spesi milioni di euro per un G8 che ha arrecato grandi disagi agli sfollati e grandi vantaggi ai potenti. Ci hanno usato come comparse per il loro teatrino e neanche ci hanno pagato. Si sono spesi milioni di euro per alloggi tutt'altro che provvisori per dare un tetto solo a pochi, cementificando irreversibilmente tutto l'Aquilano a vantaggio della mafia e delle cordate immobiliari legate alle istituzioni e alla stessa protezione civile NOI abbiamo resistito 6 mesi alla dura vita delle tendopoli per non leave our territory. WE have swallowed up all the tears we have left for the loved ones we lost in a predictable tragedy, swept away by the owners of the land to clear their responsibilities Now They left us with nothing, abandoned to decay, hunger , violence, poverty. Only the garbage they left us. Now want deported en masse away from our real homes, from work (for those who still have it) by our emotions, our memories, our life, without the confidence to return. There are homes for all and there will be But then those they have done, for who I am? For what are they? Who are they? There will be a cold, snow and us? They made a huge landfill in this city and its citizens "uncomfortable" bulky waste to be kept away from the spotlight and take away with a bulldozer to bury them along with other debris. Their consciousness smells of death. That stench, their consciousness, their garbage, today we will try to emerge from the black hole of the parade. Cialente THANKS, WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT WITHOUT parade ground and 'STILL IN TENTS No deportations! If a strike is affecting all! for a network of rescue people DISPLACED Piazza d'Armi

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Get Rid Of Chicken Pox Marks

Investigation for a network popular among quake relief Abruzzo

The data reflect the situation of respondents to June and were collected mostly among the displaced camps.
The survey did not test value, and reduced the size of the sample and its heterogeneity, but brings with it the voice of the complaint and the need for self-organization. But first we do a quick guide the investigation, referring to the tables and graphs attached for more detailed analysis

An initial budget
Almost half of men surveyed and over 2 / 3 of women who responded to the questionnaire said they were busy, with work temporary or black, before the earthquake of 6 April.
Following the earthquake, the total number of employed respondents has halved, mainly at the expense of women. About three-quarters of respondents, who have lost their jobs after the earthquake are women.
88% of respondents had lost the practicability of their home. 83% lived in a house building privata e il 17 % in una casa popolare. Il 67 % viveva in una casa di proprietà e il 24% stava ancora pagando il mutuo.
Diversi intervistati hanno perso i propri famigliari a causa del sisma, sia nelle case di edilizia privata che in quelle di edilizia pubblica.

Il 26% egli intervistati, soprattutto donne, ha notato lesioni nei propri luoghi di abitazione e/o lavoro prima del sisma e le ha segnalate agli organi competenti e/o al datore di lavoro, chiedendo più sicurezza.
Nel 23% dei casi, l’abitazione era stata spacciata per antisismica e il 53% degli intervistati ha ammesso di essere was reassured and persuaded to return home, despite the high probability of a severe seismic event.
a worker who lived in public housing says, "has always lived with fear because of the apparent fragility of the structures (and thank goodness it was public housing estate!) .
About 80% of respondents identified generically in the institutions responsible for this tragedy waiting to happen, assigning specific responsibilities, in descending order, to: State / Government, Region, City, Civil Protection, Province.

28% of respondents then indicated in the constructors specific responsibilities.
Beyond the cold data of the investigation, we want to bring some hot comments issued by the respondents to the question: "Who do you feel responsible for what happened?"
"state, because it has changed the guidelines seismic"
"Region, State, political groups and economic-business"
"All institutions, including civil protection, which has reassured rather than to the tent for a week before"
And again "Who downgraded L'Aquila from zone 1 to zone 2 and the Civil Protection , "All" , "Assassins, shot himself ..." , "politicians" , "the state and the companies building for the poor quality of housing" , "the City that issued the plan ", " The State, because he has changed the guidelines for seismic building " etc..

69% of respondents complained of late or insufficient relief. When asked: "From 3.32 h April 6, how long after you have received first aid from bodies?
"after 3 days I received first aid, because I came to the camp," said a woman who has lost more than one day to the house and the work he had just found, "after 7 days and I've searched I, "says another. In the best cases, if I may say so, the respondents have received first aid after about 2 hours and almost always it was the bus that brought them to the sea, where they remained for several months.
Among the major inconvenience lived inside and outside the camp, reported that the displaced have found, first place goes to the militarization (76%), followed, in descending order, by forced cohabitation, lack of income (65%), lack of adequate air conditioning, lack of information (57%), bureaucracy, lack of autonomy, poor sanitation, idle / boredom, obstacles to mobility, congestion, inconvenience to women (33%), poor nutrition, inadequate healthcare, poor attendance, inefficiency.
74% of respondents expressed the sense of a worsening of such disruptions in the G8, but obviously there was, by committees, the willingness to listen and to organize the expression of these discomforts and this anger, evidently too critical delle istituzioni locali.

Partecipazione e disponibilità a mobilitarsi
Di fatto, a giugno inoltrato, dopo la manifestazione del 16, più del 30 % degli intervistati dichiarava di non essere a conoscenza della campagna 100%, promossa dai comitati cittadini. Non si è trattato solo di un problema di comunicazione e di informazione (la campagna 100% e i comitati avevano ormai acquistato grande visibilità, sia su “Il centro” che in città, con enormi manifesti di propaganda e a livello nazionale), ma anche di trasparenza e partecipazione. Trasparenza, perché la rete dei comitati cittadini si è ben guardata dallo stigmatizzare l’ambiguità local institutions before and after the earthquake. Participation, because this is a statement of fact remained on the 3rd point of the campaign 100% and people in the flesh were not called to express its contents, except with a signature platform has already been decided. It is intended, ultimately, to give citizens a marginal role, by users and not as a protagonist, even in the choices related to the struggle and the mobilization efforts of the committees. The same liabilities that a fake democratic regime requires its voters a vote uncritical.
An important fact to note is that for the area filling in the questionnaire investigation. Only a minima parte di essi è stata compilata tra le soggettività che si potrebbero definire “più attive” nel movimento degli sfollati, ossia i comitati cittadini, presenti alle manifestazioni di maggio e giugno. La stessa inchiesta, che ho cercato di promuovere a partire dalla manifestazione del 30 maggio, è stata, per dirla in maniera morbida, ignorata dai comitati. Infatti in quella occasione mi è stato negato per la prima volta l’accesso al megafono da parte di alcuni rappresentanti dei comitati, per presentare l’inchiesta e lasciare il mio contatto.
Tra le masse invece, l’inchiesta è stata accolta con una certa curiosità e superata un’iniziale diffidenza, i cittadini have expressed their views without gags and their hardships. From this we must start to build a network of horizontal and participatory mobilization.
For most respondents, the condition was not suffering more than the failure to "rebuild a 100%", but came looking invasive and military machinery of so-called relief, an issue designed to amplify during the G8, to completely distort the meaning of that presence as a function undemocratic and oppressive.
This network of committees wanted to ignore, not defending the choices and the shaky position statements of the mayor and local government.
Most respondents actually claimed 100% transparency and participation, not only by the institutions themselves and not by citizens' committees, including those of a certain left colluding with power.
Even this network of committees wanted to ignore.
This investigation no. In his little these people had not heard, far from the megaphones and the stage that he wanted to give voice and is doing it.

74% of respondents, many of them in the parade ground and out of the network of committees, he feared the G8 because they have already suffered a heavy militarization of the territory and their lives and did not expect anything good, no money, no job to an event like that, contrary to some owners, such as Natalia Nunzia, that after staying for months at the Grand Hotel Montesilvano and made money for a new G8 with nougat, parade on July 9 with the network of committees, showing the sign of the last ladies and yes we camp holding up the banner!

To finish with the investigation, 81% of respondents, however, expressed his willingness to mobilize efforts in truly participatory.
If this willingness has ceased to exist but we must ask why this and not so much argue as to not repeat mistakes.
Asked final investigation (Would you be available to resume your activities and / or to participate actively in initiatives on your living conditions, jobs, housing, offering platforms, points of claim, organization, etc.? ) Was a clear space for respondents. Here are the most significant expressions:
"depends on with whom, not with those rich people in my country, which are privileged, ammanicati with the mayor and had no damage ..."
"Give us back the houses with the seismic structure ! "
" Just go away and leave us in peace in the reconstruction of our city! "
"Give us back the houses as they were before and give us the money to renovate"
"Points of organization, information, removal of tents, freedom from terror"
"yes, there is little initiative on the part of the press local and general information in "

But the most popular was the demand for labor:
" are willing to work, otherwise I Moremi of hunger all! "

Loss Of Appetite More Condition_symptoms

E 'forbidden to express their views when it passes Berlusconi

On September 29, L'Aquila, in front of the dormitory plan CASE Bazzano, there were no only fans of Berlusconi and his "saved" to do his best wishes to the President. There were also some displaced people who have tried to reach the God of miracles to reveal its true identity and his propensity to every kind of perversion. They went there with a funeral poster that read: "L'Aquila lies in these ghettos. Happy birthday, necrophiliac" No reporter
them worthy of attention, all they were intent on capturing the successes of the president and criticized the protesters, but they were there, I decided to give their best wishes to Berlusconi and watched over by the forces of insecurity. But when the President of this banana republic was about to walk past those crazy, law enforcement is are leveled against them, to wrest from the hands of the manifesto to decrease in 1000 pieces and identify the "dissidents". They said: "Today it is forbidden to express their opinions."
Sorry was not able to do our best wishes to Berlusconi, believed to be of free citizens, as it says in our Constitution. Perhaps the President does not know that we were there to greet him, perhaps we have ignored the journalists not in bad faith. If so, we hope to be, we ask the journalists to send the President also our "Happy birthday, necrophiliac." Some
Abruzzo earthquake

Monday, October 5, 2009

Toyota 22re Compression

Passione enigmatica

Almost I was going to forget another of my interest / love, perhaps because it is so present in my nature not to recognize it as a real passion. I was reminded of the possibility of appearing on the blog this hobby, reading the words of the message to someone they met on site Puzzles of the Week, where I was described as "curious." Well it is this curiosity that has always pushed me to try to solve the puzzles more varied, always asking why and for how facts and phenomena, to make me interested in people, reading, and so on.

course is also a fact hereditary. I remember my father, a retired policeman who had opened a small hardware store, intent on solving the crossword puzzle of old newspapers she used to wrap the goods. And I am intrigued that I followed him. Then from older can quickly resolve the Corriere dei Piccoli quiz until you get as an adult to acquire the Week Puzzles. Unfortunately I could not finish it all, for lack of time, then I tried the quiz more challenging and exciting up to the encryption. And it is an interest in cryptography that I sent my son Gerard with which it often competes in finding solutions.

currently enrolled, as I said before, the site of the week and Puzzles are very satisfied, I share the challenges, I am learning to solve encryptions strangest and most lovable people I have known and available.
If you want to follow me this is the link of the home, just sign up and go!

Site Week Enigmistica

And here's some fascinating news about this week, found on Wikipedia:

"The Week Enigmistica was invented by a nobleman from Sardinia: the Knight work, Grand Officer, Dr. Giorgio engineer Sisini of Sennori , already Count of St Andrew and son of the founder of Rotary Club of Sardinia (The founder of the magazine, died in June of 1972 and direction was taken by Raoul De Giusti and later by Francesco Baggi Sisini ). The first issue was published on January 23 1932; on the cover was the image of Mexican actress Lupe Velez . Since then, the magazine has boasted among its associates the most famous Riddler, such as the founder, who created puzzles for the reader until the last days of life, Piero Bartezzaghi and Giancarlo Brighenti . It is therefore historically, in a sense, a founder of the Italian newspaper puzzles, at least for the dissemination of this art to the general public. So much so that one of captions on top of the front cover, above the title, provides that the Enigmistica Week "is a weekly magazine that offers a host of imitations." Many other journals are in fact arisen in the wake of its popularity. However, a feature that makes it unique Week Enigmistica is not to accept advertising inside, and, at least in the past, rarely use it for their dissemination. In November 2008 reached the finish line of the 4000 issues published and, to celebrate the five previous issues have hosted a competition dedicated to ' Italy. "