Ingredients: 6
beef steaks 3 cloves garlic 1 bunch of parsley
a handful of grated pecorino cheese 1 minced
plenty of black pepper 1 pinch of oregano salt
x toothpicks close the rolls
extra virgin olive oil 1 bottle of tomato sauce 1 envelope
scialatielli 500 g
Finely chop parsley and garlic.
Add the oregano, pepper, salt, cheese.
Mix well and place one handful each x steak, adjust the steaks with salt and close the rolls with toothpicks.
Place the oil in a pan and heat and adds a bit 'of sausage that you put in the rolls.
Place rolls in pan and let brown well.
Add another pinch of oregano and pepper and tomato. Season with salt
Cook rolls over low heat.
Put the pot with water and add salt and add freshly boiled pasta.
Drain and dress with the sauce and if you want to add a splverata percorino of Puglia.
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