When you say "nomen omen", The Namesake ... Anita,
Aquila of 83 years, has precisely the temperament of Garibaldi: months after displaced, alone in a hotel room sulla costa abruzzese, tre giorni fa ha occupato una stanza di una caserma dell’Aquila, dove sono ospitati altri terremotati. La struttura Campomizzi è però da settimane al centro di una contesa e di un’assurda pretesa: quella di farvi entrare, nei posti letto liberi, non altri terremotati ancora fuori città ma universitari in affitto, per i quali in un anno non sono state trovate altre soluzioni migliori di questo odioso compromesso. Il risultato di queste scelte politiche è quello di aver creato l’ennesima guerra tra poveri. I cittadini senza casa si chiedono infatti perché abbiano maggiore diritto degli studenti fuorisede, rispetto alle migliaia di sfollati sparsi su tutto il territorio abruzzese, per i quali among other expenses are amounts that could be saved and used in reconstruction. On the other hand the same university are exploited in this tug of war, against their will. Yet - for both students and for other citizens - would be enough, as requested by the civic committees since last summer, the temporary modules and mobile homes, which have nothing to do with the container and once completed the post-earthquake emergency Aquila could have been used elsewhere. Anita's story is that of thousands of L'Aquila, mainly elderly, still displaced on the coast, where the media do not come and that this remains an army of invisible. Anita is survived the earthquake, saved by a young angel "- as she calls him - called Leonardo. The house of this lady in the center, it is unusable. Like many others, older people and, once closed the tent city was "deported". She had no children together and to which the allocation of the destination (because of this it was not of choice) was not considered that Aquila has a brother, a sister and nephews. In addition to the memories of a lifetime. A Montesilvano (Pescara) is sent completely alone. Because for her, and for many others, there is still room in the "huge challenge" (Last words Bertolaso), you would have us believe that he won in L'Aquila. In the post-earthquake "politics", so they had the courage to call it, was to leave out of the city cores of two people or single people, giving priority to the (sacred) Aquila return of families with children because otherwise, it was said months ago, "the city would be dead." Even between the lines that meant: would otherwise have been a city of old. But this choice is not enough, and will not be enough to revive the city of Frederick II. The situation is under eyes of all: the territory now could really lose population, proprio di giovani, per la mancanza di lavoro, per una ricostruzione che non parte, per una gestione del dopo terremoto distante dai veri problemi dei cittadini. Anita ha tutto all’Aquila e niente a Montesilvano: ha trascorso un’intera vita nel capoluogo abruzzese, dove viveva nel cuore della città e dove per quarant’anni ha avuto una tabaccheria. Era sposata con un maresciallo, che adesso non c’è più, e ha fatto parte della Croce Rossa. “Abbiamo dato tanto agli altri. Ed ora che è ho bisogno io?”, chiede quest’anziana, con gli occhi pieni di lacrime, spaurita ma al tempo stesso forte e fiera. A Montesilvano, come migliaia di anziani che si trovano ancora negli alberghi lontani, dove devono essere tenuti nascosti e zitti perché non esca fuori il fallimento della politica delle promesse, Anita passa giornate intere dentro una stanza d’albergo, dove l’unica cosa che si può fare è pensare: ai ricordi, allo sradicamento presente, ad un futuro più incerto e malinconico di quanto già non lo sia quando la maggior parte della propria vita è alle spalle. Per queste persone la depressione è il minimo. Molti anziani sanno che non rivedranno L’Aquila ricostruita, bella com’era, ma sanno anche che forse non la rivedranno proprio. Molti vecchi, dal 6 aprile 2009, sono già morti da sfollati, sradicati e disorientati. Dopo una vita di sacrifici si pensa di poter godere gli ultimi anni tra the memories in place of the heart, childhood, early love, love. But it is not, even that the state recognizes as a right. After the occupation of the room near the barracks came two times but the police remained Anita. "I'm not leaving here. There are so many vacancies, "he says. At that point, April 2, arrived at the barracks by a communication structure for the Emergency Management Area (assistance to the population), office located at the Town Hall. In the document (the first photos in the gallery at the bottom of the page), reaffirming that "the daily visitors can not be accommodated under any circumstances for the night and can stay for up to 22. One way, says Antoinette Centofanti (promoter of the Committee of Relatives of Victims Student House and a guest of her Campomizzi) to increase controls on who enters and exits the structure. The two barracks Aquila provided to earthquake victims, the Campomizzi and the barracks of Finance Coppito, there are about 600 vacancies, reiterates Centofanti. He expects to bring back the Aquila scattered elsewhere?
"Politicambiente" follow the developments of this and other similar stories. Anita will win the fight, have it written in the name and hardening, because the return must be advanced of thousands of L'Aquila, and the oldest in the city. Why The Eagle can not be reborn without the elderly, the most valuable historical memory that each community may have. Watch the video

"Politicambiente" follow the developments of this and other similar stories. Anita will win the fight, have it written in the name and hardening, because the return must be advanced of thousands of L'Aquila, and the oldest in the city. Why The Eagle can not be reborn without the elderly, the most valuable historical memory that each community may have. Watch the video
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