Saturday, July 11, as we read the newspapers, comes close in, a lady who lives in a tent in front of his house. E 'in the company of a girl who looks at us with shining eyes. It is not difficult to read in his eyes the tenderness of gratitude to those who feel wrapped in the warm embrace of solidarity of many people who came to demonstrate against the G8 in L'Aquila. We recognize in the images seen on television. He wants to express his emotion at seeing "many young people even came from Sicily, to manifest to the side of the displaced Aquila" and apologized, even on behalf of other L'Aquila who did not attend the national demonstration on 10 July for the hostility shown by the representatives of citizens' committees that have not joined.
He explains: "we were scared, were written all those who said they had to stay there far away." "Where were those written in the newspapers?" We ask. "Also - there she says - but especially the police made them turn."
L'Aquila on July 10, about 10:00 people attended the demonstration against "the powerful G8 over 300 innocent victims." Behind the banner of openness, "You are the G8 earthquake noi tutt@ aquilan@”, c’era una delegazione di vigili del fuoco, accolta al grido di “rispettiamo solo i pompieri” e c’erano gli aquilani contro il G8, dalla rete di soccorso popolare ai sindacati di base. “fuori gli sfruttatori”, “crisi, terremoto, repressione non ci fermeranno”, “Una sola grande opera: ricostruire L’Aquila dal basso”, “assassinati alla casa dello studente. Diritto allo studio inesistente”, “meno f35 più case” recitavano i loro striscioni. Molte donne e giovani combattivi hanno animato il lungo corteo dalla stazione di Paganica alla villa comunale al grido di “L’Aquila libera”, “siamo Aquila all "and again:" all free "," us dispossessed, evicted us, give us the police, this is their democracy, "" g8 money to many, the Aquila kick to the teeth, but we are not beggars. " Many slogans to commemorate the murder of Carlo Giuliani, against dismissal of the crisis produced by the powerful and above all, a promise: "a revolt will bury you."
Bazzano front yards to the CASE project, we yelled "case, yes, no ghettos." Workers at those sites are working day and night and do not see their families for months. Already there are many accidents on those sites, where workers, mostly immigrants, working up to 12 hours a day, with no control: the civil defense is the dictator of the emergency and someone went to complain to the Labour Inspectorate, was heard to reply: "Forget , you have to thank the companies related to the wife of Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhere now if you leave work. " It is said that the DICOMAC 80% of workers employed during the G8 into the school's financial police, worked in black. In front of those sites have shouted "out, out the exploiters and the workers stopped and greeted us from afar, even a closed fist. None of them could get from those sites - in prisons open networks and behind cordons of police, but could hold up work for a little 'and the long procession flowed under their eyes.
AS'Elia in front of a tent city, we invited the displaced persons to join the procession, shouting "The eagle does not give up, everyone out of tents." The displaced persons from behind the networks have applauded and given rest as they could to participants in the parade.
Despite the widespread boycott of this event, the displaced people knew which side are those notorious anti-globalization and now know they are not alone, that the fight against the bosses of the land is a struggle and all that " we tutti aquilani”.
I veri guastatori, i veri assassini sono coloro che hanno imprigionato un’intera città ; i veri guastatori, i veri assassini sono coloro che hanno ignorato il rischio sismico; i veri guastatori, i veri assassini sono gli sciacalli al governo, sono le tutte le istituzioni e i partiti che hanno rilasciato autorizzazioni a costruire senza alcun vincolo di sicurezza, sono gli 8 potenti della terra, che su questa terra, lacerata dalla crisi e dal terremoto, spadroneggiano arroganti.
He explains: "we were scared, were written all those who said they had to stay there far away." "Where were those written in the newspapers?" We ask. "Also - there she says - but especially the police made them turn."
L'Aquila on July 10, about 10:00 people attended the demonstration against "the powerful G8 over 300 innocent victims." Behind the banner of openness, "You are the G8 earthquake noi tutt@ aquilan@”, c’era una delegazione di vigili del fuoco, accolta al grido di “rispettiamo solo i pompieri” e c’erano gli aquilani contro il G8, dalla rete di soccorso popolare ai sindacati di base. “fuori gli sfruttatori”, “crisi, terremoto, repressione non ci fermeranno”, “Una sola grande opera: ricostruire L’Aquila dal basso”, “assassinati alla casa dello studente. Diritto allo studio inesistente”, “meno f35 più case” recitavano i loro striscioni. Molte donne e giovani combattivi hanno animato il lungo corteo dalla stazione di Paganica alla villa comunale al grido di “L’Aquila libera”, “siamo Aquila all "and again:" all free "," us dispossessed, evicted us, give us the police, this is their democracy, "" g8 money to many, the Aquila kick to the teeth, but we are not beggars. " Many slogans to commemorate the murder of Carlo Giuliani, against dismissal of the crisis produced by the powerful and above all, a promise: "a revolt will bury you."
Bazzano front yards to the CASE project, we yelled "case, yes, no ghettos." Workers at those sites are working day and night and do not see their families for months. Already there are many accidents on those sites, where workers, mostly immigrants, working up to 12 hours a day, with no control: the civil defense is the dictator of the emergency and someone went to complain to the Labour Inspectorate, was heard to reply: "Forget , you have to thank the companies related to the wife of Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhere now if you leave work. " It is said that the DICOMAC 80% of workers employed during the G8 into the school's financial police, worked in black. In front of those sites have shouted "out, out the exploiters and the workers stopped and greeted us from afar, even a closed fist. None of them could get from those sites - in prisons open networks and behind cordons of police, but could hold up work for a little 'and the long procession flowed under their eyes.
AS'Elia in front of a tent city, we invited the displaced persons to join the procession, shouting "The eagle does not give up, everyone out of tents." The displaced persons from behind the networks have applauded and given rest as they could to participants in the parade.
Despite the widespread boycott of this event, the displaced people knew which side are those notorious anti-globalization and now know they are not alone, that the fight against the bosses of the land is a struggle and all that " we tutti aquilani”.
I veri guastatori, i veri assassini sono coloro che hanno imprigionato un’intera città ; i veri guastatori, i veri assassini sono coloro che hanno ignorato il rischio sismico; i veri guastatori, i veri assassini sono gli sciacalli al governo, sono le tutte le istituzioni e i partiti che hanno rilasciato autorizzazioni a costruire senza alcun vincolo di sicurezza, sono gli 8 potenti della terra, che su questa terra, lacerata dalla crisi e dal terremoto, spadroneggiano arroganti.
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