won the friendship of a cat is not easy, is an animal philosopher, wise, that customary places in case his affections. (T. Gautier)
Why this initiative?
The neighbor's cat, who came to eat me, I was taken with a grand gesture of confidence ... gave birth in a box, the nest of my cat, Bianca, on my terrace.
Four kittens, tricolor twins, one black and one orange.
Here they are ...
Today, while his mother went to stretch a bit '... the legs.
newborn with her mother, a week ago, approximately.
Luckily I found someone who will adopt them, all people I trust, of course.
For now must grow. The nearby
respondent stated that ... the cat is not his.
I'll keep with my six cats ...
The neighbor's cat, who came to eat me, I was taken with a grand gesture of confidence ... gave birth in a box, the nest of my cat, Bianca, on my terrace.
Four kittens, tricolor twins, one black and one orange.
Here they are ...

newborn with her mother, a week ago, approximately.
Luckily I found someone who will adopt them, all people I trust, of course.
For now must grow. The nearby
respondent stated that ... the cat is not his.
I'll keep with my six cats ...
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