Thursday, December 3, 2009

Prepaid Mastercard Xl

Subcontracting not authorized, the opaque management of the agreement Bertolaso \u200b\u200b

opaque management of billions of euro by the Department of Civil Protection is no longer just a problem of transparency, or admixture of criminal infiltration Business & Politics .

Ormai assume i contorni di un sistema ben oliato che consente ad amici e amici degli amici di spartirsi la ricca torta dell’emergenza e della ricostruzione. Un sistema che permette di aggirare regole e norme dello stato di diritto e operare, con il pretesto dell’emergenza, in deroga a tutto, anche alla Costituzione.

Un sistema che, all’occorrenza, interviene persino per aggirare ed eludere i controlli. Vediamo come tutto ciò è reso possibile dalla Protezione civile targata Bertolaso.

Sempre peggio. La gestione dell’affare bagni chimici e le supplies of goods and services of the first emergency, the manner in which they are made withdrawals of certificates mafia in various companies (including Company Ltd Di Marco), the no-bid subcontract to a company the senator as well as coordinator of the PDL in Abruzzo Philip Piccone, the prosecutor's investigation of Pescara on the implementation of the Asl offices of L'Aquila, or that the construction of the new House of a student by the Region of Lombardy, are all cases that individually they think of something that does not work for the sheer inability to Who directs. But if you try to look at the problem from another perspective, that is, if we assume instead that the system set up in L'Aquila was plasmato dal Dipartimento di Protezione civile proprio per poter ottenere questi effetti, allora ci si rende conto che il sistema funziona alla perfezione. E il panorama che emerge è da far tremare i polsi.

Limitiamoci, a titolo di esempio, ad analizzare quello che sta succedendo intorno all’affare al momento più grosso, quello che ruota intorno alle centinaia di milioni di euro del Progetto CASE.

Subito dopo la scossa del 6 aprile il Dipartimento esautora gli enti locali dei loro poteri, disarticola le forze dell’ordine nelle loro funzioni e - dopo averlo spopolato di gran parte dei suoi abitanti - militarizza il territorio. Contemporaneamente, la Protezione civile avvia il Progetto CASE awards and contracts for hundreds of millions of Euros for construction of 4,700 new homes. It does not involve local and notwithstanding all: zoning laws, land use plans, landscape plans, and - above all - the law on contracts.

does this by using two powers that are granted in the name of the emergency: the power to order , that writes the laws alone, and the power of derogation , that circumvent other laws. Above all it can do so without parliamentary procedures and without controls, even the Court of Auditors. A system with extraordinary powers out of control, which - if not handled with care or is placed in the wrong hands - can lead to unexpected results and produce the disaster.
A case in point, we said, is that of the CASE Project. The Department shall draft and has the notice that - by its very nature and the tight construction - can answer only a few companies.

At the same time with a special order of the Department operations subcontracted increases from 30% to 50% of the work: The practical result is that so half of the funds are awarded without competition, for direct procurement.
to report the first suspected in the yards are press articles and triggered the alarm on the risk that infiltration but, in fact, you do not provide law enforcement the tools of control for audits of companies engaged in construction and those planned in the Ordinance shall not be made operational .

The "Guidelines " indicated by " Coordinating Committee for the general supervision of the great works " and even the electronic connection to the prefecture of Databases CED not arrive or arrive very late. Basic tools such as "Population computer lists of suppliers and service providers are not subject at risk of pollution mafia "- which should address the executors of the work covered by the decree Abruzzo - is not yet created, nor the decree is issued for the tracking of financial flows . Also, do not yet know the composition and even if it is specified under "Section for " located in the prefecture. And then again, not yet even issued a decree that would make other operational instruments to combat, such as Gicer , that the joint central Group for the emergency and reconstruction .

Only coarse awarding of contracts and subcontracts, and lack of appropriate instruments of control? No, there's more.

subappaltrici Many companies have started work on site without the required notice of acceptance by the awarding body, namely the Civil Defence. In making calls and orders to the powerful "Office of Legal " of the Department have also forgotten to derogate from this rule: it opens a hole that threatens to become a chasm.

The police, despite the limited means available, however, are put to work and perform a variety of access direttamente nei cantieri per le verifiche: accertano così la presenza di almeno 132 imprese al lavoro con posizione irregolare. A questo punto nel Dipartimento si sentono mancare la terra sotto i piedi e la preoccupazione diventa panico: tutto il castello di appalti e subappalti rischia di franare rovinosamente con conseguenze imprevedibili.

A questo punto, direte voi, la Protezione civile, cosa fa? Prende provvedimenti contro le ditte per s ubappalto non autorizzato ? No, ricorre ancora una volta al potere di ordinanza e di deroga e con il gioco ancora in corso cambia le regole.

A metà novembre, con l’ Ordinanza No 3820, in ' Article 2 paragraph 2 insert . In a move the Department eliminates clumsy - retroactively - the crime of unauthorized subcontracting . An intervention of unprecedented severity, a stroke of a pen that not only prevents the investigations and checks on subcontracting at least 132 suspects, but its use evidence already collected by the police.

As is becoming increasingly apparent, that of the earthquake emergency management is at the limit of legality and beyond that of decency. Hopefully someone will call the Department to report on his activities to the citizens and not only.

Angelo Twenty

EARTH on December 3, 2009