This yesterday my wisteria ... and that after the intense rain in April, too bad not being able to transmit.
ll scientific name of the wisteria wisteria is assigned to the wisteria in honor of the great anthropologist Kaspar Wistar.
The wisteria grows in the east coast of the United States, from where it was imported into Europe in 1700. Only a century later, however, when the East, specifically China and Japan, came the great variety of Asia, the wisteria began to be truly appreciated by Europeans. For the Chinese and Japanese wisteria is friendship, and tender with each other; it is said, in fact, that the Japanese Emperor during long journeys representation, bringing bonsai wisteria, and when it came to foreign places were preceded by the men later claimed that trees of wisteria flowers, to make known their intentions, friendly and respect for the inhabitants of those lands.
The significance of the gift that has kept wisteria is to sign availability and also test of friendship.
Taken from http://www.giardinaggio.it/Linguaggiodeifiori/singolifiori/glicine.asp